Data model

With TimescaleDB, you have full flexibility over your data model. You can choose either a wide-table or narrow-table model to suit your use case.

TimescaleDB offers this flexibility because it’s a relational database supporting full SQL. Most other time-series databases aren’t as flexible. They usually require a narrow-table model for all data, which creates some limitations.

Because TimescaleDB is a relational database, it also supports JOINs. This allows you to normalize your data and reduce data bloat.

Comparing wide-table and narrow-table models

Wide-table and narrow-table models are two ways of storing data when you have multiple metrics to track. For example, if you’re recording sensor data, you might have the following metrics for each sensor:

  • Average CPU usage per minute: cpu_1m_avg
  • Free memory: free_mem
  • Temperature: temperature

You might also have the following identifier and metadata for each sensor:

  • Identifier: device_id
  • Sensor location: location_id
  • Device type: dev_type

You incoming data looks like this:

2017-01-01 01:02:00abc12380500 MB72335field
2017-01-01 01:02:23def45690400 MB64335roof
2017-01-01 01:02:30ghi7891200 MB5677roof
2017-01-01 01:03:12abc12380500 MB72335field
2017-01-01 01:03:35def45695350 MB64335roof
2017-01-01 01:03:42ghi789100100 MB5677roof

You can store all the metrics for one timestamp as a single entry. This is a wide-table model. Alternately, you can store a separate entry for each metric, and repeat the timestamp. This is a narrow-table model.

Read on to learn about the trade-offs of each model.

Narrow-table model

Most time-series databases use a narrow-table model. They store each metric separately. For example, cpu_1m_avg and free_mem are always stored as two different entries.

In addition, a tag set is created for every combination of metadata values. Every entry is associated with a tag set. Different tag sets are also stored as different entries.

That means you get n different time series, where n is equal to:

  1. number of metrics
  2. x
  3. number of identifiers
  4. x
  5. number of values for metadata field A
  6. x
  7. number of values for metadata field B
  8. x
  9. ...

In this example, you get 9 time series. Each time series is defined by a unique tag set:

  1. 1. {name: cpu_1m_avg, device_id: abc123, location_id: 335, dev_type: field}
  2. 2. {name: cpu_1m_avg, device_id: def456, location_id: 335, dev_type: roof}
  3. 3. {name: cpu_1m_avg, device_id: ghi789, location_id: 77, dev_type: roof}
  4. 4. {name: free_mem, device_id: abc123, location_id: 335, dev_type: field}
  5. 5. {name: free_mem, device_id: def456, location_id: 335, dev_type: roof}
  6. 6. {name: free_mem, device_id: ghi789, location_id: 77, dev_type: roof}
  7. 7. {name: temperature, device_id: abc123, location_id: 335, dev_type: field}
  8. 8. {name: temperature, device_id: def456, location_id: 335, dev_type: roof}
  9. 9. {name: temperature, device_id: ghi789, location_id: 77, dev_type: roof}

When you have many tag sets, your data has high cardinality. Cardinality is the number of possible distinct values for a field. Some time-series databases have performance problems when cardinality increases. This limits the number of device types and devices you can store in a single database.

TimescaleDB also supports narrow models. But it doesn’t suffer from the same cardinality limitations. That’s because it uses a relational model with partitioning optimizations for time-series data.

A narrow-table model in TimescaleDB looks like this:

2017-01-01 01:02:00abc123cpu_1m_avg80
2017-01-01 01:02:00abc123free_mem500
2017-01-01 01:02:00abc123temperature72

Note that the timestamp and device ID are the same for each entry. But the entries are stored in separate rows because they record different metrics.


You might also notice that the metadata fields are missing. Because this is a relational database, metadata can be stored in a secondary table and JOINed at query time. Learn more about TimescaleDB’s support for JOINs.

When to choose a narrow-table model

A narrow-table model makes sense if you collect each metric independently. For example, you might collect CPU data and temperature data on different devices or at different times.

A narrow-table model also gives you the flexibility to add new metrics as you go. If you now decide to collect disk usage data, you can continue inserting to the same table by changing the metric_type value. You don’t need to change the table schema.

However, if you collect many metrics with the same timestamp, a narrow model isn’t as performant. You need to write many entries with repeated timestamps. This increases storage and ingest requirements.

Also, if you query multiple metrics at the same time, queries become more complex. To see both CPU usage and temperature, you need to JOIN separate entries.

In these cases, a wide-table model works better.

Wide-table model

Wide-table models are the format usually used in relational databases. Because TimescaleDB is fully compatible with PostgreSQL, it automatically supports wide-table models.

In this model, each device has a single entry for each timestamp. Each entry includes values for multiple metrics:

2017-01-01 01:02:00abc12380500 MB72
2017-01-01 01:02:23def45690400 MB64
2017-01-01 01:02:30ghi7891200 MB56
2017-01-01 01:03:12abc12380500 MB72
2017-01-01 01:03:35def45695350 MB64
2017-01-01 01:03:42ghi789100100 MB56

This model preserves relationships within data. The temperature for each device is stored on the same row as the CPU usage at that time. This makes queries across multiple metrics easier. No JOINs are required. Also, ingest is faster, because only one timestamp is written for multiple metrics.


You might also notice that the metadata fields are missing. Because this is a relational database, metadata can be stored in a secondary table and JOINed at query time. Learn more about TimescaleDB’s support for JOINs.

JOINs with relational data

As a relational database, TimescaleDB supports JOINs. You can store additional metadata in secondary tables, which get joined to the main table at query time. For example, you might create a locations table to store metadata about each location_id:

42Grand Central Terminal40.7527° N73.9772° W10017NYC
77Lobby 742.3593° N71.0935° W02139Massachusetts

This reduces data bloat, because you don’t need to store repetitive values on every row. For example, you might have 10,000 rows of data for location 42. But you only need to define that location 42 is at Grand Central Terminal once, within your metadata table.

This also lets you update mappings easily. If you change the region for location 77 from Massachusetts to Boston, you only need to change a single value in the metadata table. If you stored this value in your primary table, you would need to overwrite many rows of historical data to correct all your entries.