Service settings - advanced parameters

It is possible to configure a wide variety of service database parameters by navigating to the Advanced parameters tab under the Database configuration heading.

View Timescale Cloud advanced configuration parameters

The advanced parameters are displayed in a scrollable and searchable list:

Search Timescale Cloud configuration parameters

As with the basic database configuration parameters, any changes are highlighted and the Apply changes, or Apply changes and restart, button is available, prompting you to confirm changes before the service is modified.

Multiple databases

To create more than one Timescale Cloud database, you need to create a new service for each database. Timescale Cloud does not support multiple databases within the same service. Having a separate service for each database affords each database its own isolated resources.

Another option is to use schemas. Schemas provide a way to organize tables into logical groups. A single database can contain multiple schemas, which in turn contain tables. The main difference between isolating with databases versus schemas is that a user can access objects in any of the schemas in the database they are connected to, so long as they have the corresponding privileges. Schemas can help isolate smaller use cases that do not warrant their own service.