
If you need to modify or add data to a chunk that has already been compressed, you need to decompress the chunk first. This is especially useful for backfilling old data.


Before decompressing chunks, stop any compression policy on the hypertable you are decompressing. When you finish backfilling or updating data, turn the policy back on. The database automatically recompresses your chunks in the next scheduled job.

Required arguments

chunk_nameREGCLASSName of the chunk to be decompressed.

Optional arguments

if_compressedBOOLEANSetting to true skips chunks that are not compressed. Defaults to false.

Sample usage

Decompress a single chunk:

  1. SELECT decompress_chunk('_timescaledb_internal._hyper_2_2_chunk');

Decompress all compressed chunks in a hypertable named metrics:

  1. SELECT decompress_chunk(c, true) FROM show_chunks('metrics') c;