Back up and restore Promscale


Trusted extensions were introduced in PostgreSQL 13. If using a PostgreSQL version prior to 13, the database user used to perform the backup and restore must have superuser access. If using version 13 and later, the database user must have the CREATE privilege on the database.


Assuming you use a database user that has appropriate privileges as listed above, there is nothing special required to take a backup of the Promscale database. There are many ways to backup a PostgreSQL database, the simplest being to use pg_dump with the plain format.

For example:

  1. pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U tsdbadmin -d mydb -F p -f dump.sql

To backup larger databases use the custom format:

  1. pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U tsdbadmin -d mydb -F c -f dump.dat


Starting with version 0.11.0 of the Promscale connector and 0.5.0 of the Promscale extension, database objects are managed by the extension.

If the timescaledb extension is not already installed in the target database, install it. Then, put the timescaledb extension in restore mode. The promscale extension must be created AFTER calling public.timescaledb_pre_restore() during a restore. This signals the promscale extension to expect a restore and create database objects accordingly.

  1. CREATE EXTENSION timescaledb;
  2. SELECT public.timescaledb_pre_restore();
  3. CREATE EXTENSION promscale;

Using a database user with the privileges described above, restore the database. If pg_dump was used as described above, you may restore the database with a command like below:

  1. psql -h localhost p 5432 -U tsdbadmin -d mydb -f dump.sql

If you used pg_dump to backup in custom format, use pg_restore:

  1. pg_restore -Fc -d mydb dump.dat
  2. SELECT public.timescaledb_post_restore();

Do not use the -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 option with the above command. Some statements during the restore will fail. For example, pg_dump adds a statement to set the comment on the timescaledb extension (for example, COMMENT ON EXTENSION promscale IS 'tables, types and functions supporting Promscale'; ) which will fail. This is unfortunate, but unavoidable, expected, and does not impact the validity of the restored database.

After the restore completes, run the following two commands to finalize the restore.

  1. SELECT prom_api.promscale_post_restore();
  2. SELECT public.timescaledb_post_restore();