Continuous aggregates in Promscale

Promscale can use TimescaleDB continuous aggregates to manage data downsampling and materialization.


This feature is currently in development. Use this feature at your own risk, and do not use any experimental features in production. Help us improve Promscale by sharing feedback and reporting issues.

Benefits of continuous aggregates:

  • Timeliness: continuous aggregates use real-time aggregates by default. The database automatically combines the materialized results with a query over the newest not-yet-materialized data to provide an accurate up-to-the-second view of your data.
  • Rollups: continuous aggregates store the intermediate state of an aggregate in the materialization, making further rollups possible. For more information about defining aggregates, see this blog post.
  • Query flexibility for retrospective analysis: continuous aggregates are multi-purpose. For example, the TimescaleDB toolkit extension supports percentile queries on any percentile, and statistical aggregates with multiple summary aggregates. The aggregates that you define when you configure the materialization allow you to derive a range of different data types at query time.
  • Backfilling: continuous aggregates automatically downsample all data available, including past data, so that performance improvements on the aggregated metric are seen as soon as it is created.

For Promscale to be able to use a continuous aggregate as a metric view, the continuous aggregate must:

  • Be based on a raw metric series ingested by Promscale that is specified in the FROM clause.
  • Include a column named time of type timestamptz, that corresponds to the time associated with each aggregated metric sample.
  • Include a column named series_id of type bigint, that corresponds to the series_id from the raw metrics.
  • Any number of additional columns of type double precision, that correspond to the metric values you want to store.

Continuous aggregates supports only one metric in the FROM clause, and can generate aggregations only within the same series_id. This is because the series_id corresponds to a specific metric name and set of labels.

For more information about continuous aggregates, see the TimescaleDB continuous aggregates documentation.

Example of a Promscale continuous aggregate

Creating a continuous aggregate in Promscale requires two operations. Start by creating a TimescaleDB continuous aggregate, and then register the new metric so it’s available to PromQL queries and other Promscale functions. This section includes a worked example.

This example uses a metric called node_memory_MemFree, and shows you how to create a continuous aggregate to derive some summary statistics about the metric on an hourly basis. Run this query on the underlying TimescaleDB database:

  1. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW node_memfree_1hour
  2. WITH (timescaledb.continuous) AS
  4. timezone('UTC',
  5. time_bucket('1 hour', time) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' +'1 hour')
  6. as time,
  7. series_id,
  8. min(value) as min,
  9. max(value) as max,
  10. avg(value) as avg
  11. FROM prom_data.node_memory_MemFree
  12. GROUP BY time_bucket('1 hour', time), series_id

In this example, one hour is added to time_bucket in the SELECT clause. This is done to match the PromQL semantics of representing a bucket with the timestamp at the end of the bucket instead of the start of the bucket.

This continuous aggregate can now be queried using SQL. To make it possible to query the data with PromQL, you need to register it with Promscale as a metric view, including the view schema and the view name in Postgres:

  1. SELECT register_metric_view('public', 'node_memfree_1hour');

You can now use this data as a regular metric in both SQL and PromQL.

To query the average in the new aggregated metric with SQL, and show it in a time series chart in Grafana, use this query:

  1. SELECT time, jsonb(labels) as metric, avg
  2. FROM node_memfree_1hour m
  3. INNER JOIN prom_series.node_memory_MemFree s
  4. ON (m.series_id=s.series_id)
  5. WHERE $__timeFilter(time)
  6. ORDER BY time asc

The join with the original metric is currently required in SQL queries to retrieve the labels for a specific series.

To do the same with PromQL, you need to use the __column__ label. The aggregated metric stores the data for min, max, and avg in different columns, which is not supported by Prometheus, because Prometheus stores all metrics independently. Promscale uses the __column__ label to identify which column to return. If no __column__ label is specified, Promscale returns the value column by default. To query the average in the new aggregated metric with PromQL, use this query:

  1. node_memfree_1hour{__column__="avg"}

You do not need to specify the __column__ label in queries, because Promscale uses the value column by default when ingesting data.

You could modify this continuous aggregate to name one of the metrics value, which would then make Promscale return that metric even if no __column__ label is specified. To do this with the previous example, you can create a continuous aggregate that sets the average as the default to be returned in PromQL queries, like this:

  1. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW node_memfree_1hour
  2. WITH (timescaledb.continuous) AS
  4. timezone('UTC',
  5. time_bucket('1 hour', time) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' +'1 hour')
  6. as time,
  7. series_id,
  8. min(value) as min,
  9. max(value) as max,
  10. avg(value) as value
  11. FROM prom_data.node_memory_MemFree
  12. GROUP BY time_bucket('1 hour', time), series_id

Now you can query the average without the __column__ label, like this:

  1. node_memfree_1hour

Promscale adds a __schema__ tag, which helps you identify in which schema the metric view is registered. This is useful if you have two metrics with the same name in different schemas, which is strongly discouraged but could happen by mistake. In this case, you can use the __schema__ tag to select which schema to use. If you don’t specify a schema, Promscale queries the metric in the prom_data schema, which is the same schema used for all ingested metrics. To avoid those issues, make sure you name your continuous aggregate views in a way that is different to your raw ingested metrics, for example, node_memfree_1hour.


Both the __schema__ and __column__ label matchers support exact matching. You cannot use regular expressions or other multi-value matchers. Additionally, metric views are excluded from queries that match multiple metrics, such as matching on metric names with a regular expression, like this:

{__name__=~"node_mem*"} // this valid PromQL query will not match our previously created metric view

Deleting continuous aggregates

To delete a Promscale continuous aggregate, delete the metric view first, and then remove the continuous aggregate.

Remove the metric view:

  1. SELECT unregister_metric_view('public', 'node_memfree_1hour');

Delete the continuous aggregate:

  1. DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW node_memfree_1hour;

Data retention

All metrics in Promscale use the default retention period when they are created. You can change both the default retention period, and the retention period for individual metrics. This feature is provided by Promscale, not Prometheus. A typical use case is to retain aggregated metrics for longer for trend analysis.

For more information about data retention, see the metric retention section.