
TimescaleDB supports the full range of PostgreSQL triggers. Creating, altering, or dropping triggers on a hypertable propagates the changes to all of the underlying chunks.

Create a trigger

This example creates a new table called error_conditions with the same schema as conditions, but that only stores records which are considered errors. An error, in this case, is when an application sends a temperature or humidity reading with a value that is greater than or equal to 1000.

Creating a trigger

  1. Create a function that inserts erroneous data into the error_conditions table:

    1. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION record_error()
    2. RETURNS trigger AS $record_error$
    3. BEGIN
    4. IF NEW.temperature >= 1000 OR NEW.humidity >= 1000 THEN
    5. INSERT INTO error_conditions
    6. VALUES(NEW.time, NEW.location, NEW.temperature, NEW.humidity);
    7. END IF;
    8. RETURN NEW;
    9. END;
    10. $record_error$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
  2. Create a trigger that calls this function whenever a new row is inserted into the hypertable:

    1. CREATE TRIGGER record_error
    2. BEFORE INSERT ON conditions
    4. EXECUTE PROCEDURE record_error();
  3. All data is inserted into the conditions table, but rows that contain errors are also added to the error_conditions table.

TimescaleDB supports the full range of triggers, including BEFORE INSERT, AFTER INSERT, BEFORE UPDATE, AFTER UPDATE, BEFORE DELETE, and AFTER DELETE. For more information, see the PostgreSQL docs.