Install Promscale from binary

You can install Promscale from a pre-compiled binary on any operating system. The Promscale binary file is available at GitHub releases page.

Before you begin

  1. Ensure that you have a working Prometheus or OpenTelemetry collector environment.
  2. Create a TimescaleDB service on Timescale Cloud.

Install the Promscale pre-compiled binary

Download the Promscale binary file and run the file.

Installing Promscale from binary

  1. At the command prompt, as a root user, download the appropriate file for your operating system. You can find the correct URL on the GitHub repository releases page:

    1. curl -L -o promscale<VERSION>/<PROMSCALE_DISTRIBUTION>
  2. Grant executable permissions to the promscale directory:

    1. chmod +x promscale
  3. Run Promscale with the connection details for your TimescaleDB service. Replace TS_CLOUD_DB_URI with the Service URL that you made note of when you created the TimescaleDB service:

    1. ./promscale --db-uri <TS_CLOUD_DB_URI>

When you have installed Promscale, you can ingest data in a few different ways:

  • Migrate existing Prometheus data with Prom-migrator.

  • Ingest incoming data. For more information, see the send data section.