Send Grafana emails

Use the Aiven client to configure the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server settings and send emails from Managed Service for TimescaleDB for Grafana, including invite emails, reset password emails, and alert messages.

Before you begin

Configuring the SMTP server for Grafana service

  1. In the Aiven client, connect to your Managed Service for TimescaleDB service.

  2. Switch to the project that contains the Grafana service you want to integrate:

    1. avn project switch <PROJECT>
  3. List the services in the project, and make a note of the Grafana service that you want to configure, listed under SERVICE_NAME column in the output.

    1. avn service list
  4. Get the details of the service that you want to integrate:

    1. avn service get <SERVICE_NAME>
  5. Configure the Grafana service using the SMTP values:

    1. avn service update --project <PROJECT> <SERVICE_NAME>\
    2. -c \
    3. -c smtp_server.port=465 \
    4. -c smtp_server.username=emailsenderuser \
    5. -c smtp_server.password=emailsenderpass \
    6. -c smtp_server.from_address="[email protected]"
  6. (OPTIONAL) Review all available custom options, and configure:

    1. avn service types -v

You can now send emails for your Grafana service on MST.