Analyze the blockchain with hyperfunctions

In this section, analyze Bitcoin transactions with SQL in different ways. See how hyperfunctions and continuous aggregates can make it easier to query and analyze blockchain data.

Hyperfunctions for simplified statistical queries

In some of the following queries you can find custom SQL functions that are not part of vanilla PostgreSQL. These queries are TimescaleDB hyperfunctions and they are either part of the TimescaleDB extension or the Toolkit extension. Hyperfunctions is a series of SQL functions that make it easier to manipulate and analyze time-series data in PostgreSQL. You need to install and enable the Toolkit extension to be able to use the whole set of hyperfunctions and successfully run the following queries.

After installing the extension, enable it:

  1. CREATE EXTENSION timescaledb_toolkit;

Now set up a few continuous aggregates for faster and simplifed analysis.

Continuous aggregates for blockchain analytics

Continuous aggregates are materialized views for time-series data. They make queries faster by continuously materializing aggregated data. At the same time, they provide real-time results. That means they include the latest data from the underlying hypertable.

By using continuous aggregates, you simplify and speed up your queries.

In this tutorial, you create three continuous aggregates, focusing on three aspects of the dataset:

  • Bitcoin transactions
  • Bitcoin blocks
  • Coinbase transactions (miner revenue)

Pre-aggregating your data is important because the dataset contains a lot of transactions: over 10,000 per hour.

In this section, you also learn how to keep your continuous aggregate views up-to-date with automatic refresh policies.

Continuous aggregate: transactions

Create a continuous aggregate called one_hour_transactions. This view holds aggregated data about each hour of transactions.

  1. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW one_hour_transactions
  2. WITH (timescaledb.continuous) AS
  3. SELECT time_bucket('1 hour', time) AS bucket,
  4. count(*) AS tx_count,
  5. sum(fee) AS total_fee_sat,
  6. sum(fee_usd) AS total_fee_usd,
  7. stats_agg(fee) AS stats_fee_sat,
  8. avg(size) AS avg_tx_size,
  9. avg(weight) AS avg_tx_weight,
  10. count(
  11. CASE
  12. WHEN (fee > output_total) THEN hash
  14. END) AS high_fee_count
  15. FROM transactions
  16. WHERE (is_coinbase IS NOT TRUE)
  17. GROUP BY bucket;

In this query, you create these aggregate columns within the continuous aggregate:

  • tx_count: Total transaction volume
  • total_fee_sat: Total fees paid in Sat
  • total_fee_usd: Total fees paid in USD
  • stats_fee_sat: Fee stats (in Sat) This column uses a hyperfunction called stats_agg. The raw stats_agg value isn’t easily interpretable. Later, you can use stats_agg to calculate other statistics, such as the average.
  • avg_tx_size: Average transaction size in KB
  • high_fee_count: Number of transactions where the fee is higher than the transaction volume

Add a refresh policy to keep the continuous aggregate up-to-date:

  1. SELECT add_continuous_aggregate_policy('one_hour_transactions',
  2. start_offset => INTERVAL '3 hours',
  3. end_offset => INTERVAL '1 hour',
  4. schedule_interval => INTERVAL '1 hour');

Continuous aggregate: blocks

Create a continuous aggregate called one_hour_blocks. This view holds aggregated data about all the blocks that were mined each hour.

  1. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW one_hour_blocks
  2. WITH (timescaledb.continuous) AS
  3. SELECT time_bucket('1 hour', time) AS bucket,
  4. block_id,
  5. count(*) AS tx_count,
  6. sum(fee) AS block_fee_sat,
  7. sum(fee_usd) AS block_fee_usd,
  8. stats_agg(fee) AS stats_tx_fee_sat,
  9. avg(size) AS avg_tx_size,
  10. avg(weight) AS avg_tx_weight,
  11. sum(size) AS block_size,
  12. sum(weight) AS block_weight,
  13. max(size) AS max_tx_size,
  14. max(weight) AS max_tx_weight,
  15. min(size) AS min_tx_size,
  16. min(weight) AS min_tx_weight
  17. FROM transactions
  18. WHERE is_coinbase IS NOT TRUE
  19. GROUP BY bucket, block_id;

Running this query, you create these aggregate columns within the continuous aggregate:

  • tx_count: Number of transactions per block
  • block_fee_sat: Transaction fee paid per block (in Sat)
  • block_fee_usd: Transaction fee paid per block (in USD)
  • stats_tx_fee_sat: Stats for transaction fees
  • avg_tx_size: Average transaction size within the block
  • avg_tx_weight: Average transaction weight within the block
  • block_size: Total block size
  • block_weight: Total block weight
  • max_tx_size: Maximum transaction size within the block
  • max_tx_weight: Maximum transaction weight within the block
  • min_tx_size: Minimum transaction size within the block
  • min_tx_weight: Minimum transaction weight within the block

Add a refresh policy to keep the continuous aggregate up-to-date:

  1. SELECT add_continuous_aggregate_policy('one_hour_blocks',
  2. start_offset => INTERVAL '3 hours',
  3. end_offset => INTERVAL '1 hour',
  4. schedule_interval => INTERVAL '1 hour');

Continuous aggregate: coinbase transactions (miner revenue)

Create a continuous aggregate called one_hour_coinbase. This view holds aggregated data about all the transactions that miners received as rewards each hour.

  1. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW one_hour_coinbase
  2. WITH (timescaledb.continuous) AS
  3. SELECT time_bucket('1 hour', time) AS bucket,
  4. count(*) AS tx_count,
  5. stats_agg(output_total, output_total_usd) AS stats_miner_revenue,
  6. min(output_total) AS min_miner_revenue,
  7. max(output_total) AS max_miner_revenue
  8. FROM transactions
  9. WHERE is_coinbase IS TRUE
  10. GROUP BY bucket;

Running this query, you create these aggregate columns within the continuous aggregate:

  • tx_count: Number of coinbase transactions per day
  • stats_miner_revenue: Stats for miner revenue (both in Sat and USD)
  • min_miner_revenue: Minimum miner revenue received after mining a block per day
  • max_miner_revenue: Maximum miner revenue received after mining a block per day

Add a refresh policy to keep the continuous aggregate up-to-date:

  1. SELECT add_continuous_aggregate_policy('one_hour_coinbase',
  2. start_offset => INTERVAL '3 hours',
  3. end_offset => INTERVAL '1 hour',
  4. schedule_interval => INTERVAL '1 hour');

In each continuous aggregate definition, the time_bucket() function controls how large the time buckets are. The examples all use 1-hour time buckets.

Generate insights with SQL

Here are some questions you might ask about blockchain transactions, blocks, and miner revenue. For each question, you get a relevant SQL query and a chart that answers the question.


Is there any connection between the number of transactions and the transaction fees?

Transaction fees are a major concern for blockchain users. If a blockchain is too expensive, you might not want to use it. This query shows you whether there’s any correlation between the number of Bitcoin transactions and the fees. The time range for this analysis is the last day.

Hourly transaction volume and fees, plotted over the last day

On this chart, the green line indicates the average transaction volume over time. The yellow line indicates the average fee per transaction over time. These trends might help you decide whether to submit a transaction now or wait a few days for fees to decrease.

Does the transaction volume affect the BTC-USD rate?

In cryptocurrency trading, there’s a lot of speculation. You can adopt a data-based trading strategy by looking at correlations between blockchain metrics, such as transaction volume and fees.

Hourly transaction volume and BTC-USD conversion rate, plotted over the last day

Again, the green line shows the average transaction volume over time. The yellow line shows the BTC-USD conversion rate.

Next, get block-level insights by analyzing the connection between transactions and blocks.

Do more transactions in a block mean the block is more expensive to mine?

See how the number of transactions in a block influences the overall block mining fee. For this analysis, you might want to look at a larger time frame. Change the analyzed time range to the last five days.

Line graph with two lines showing the average number of transactions in a block and the block mining fee, over the last five days

Unsurprisingly, there’s a high correlation between the number of transactions in a block and the mining fee. The more transactions a block has, the higher the block mining fee.

In the next query, see if there is the same correlation between block weight and mining fee. (Block weight is the size measure of a block). More transactions should increase the block weight, boosting the miner fee as well. This query looks very similar to the previous one:

Line graph with two lines showing the block weight and the block mining fee, over the last five days

You can see the same kind of high correlation between block weight (defined in weight units) and mining fee. The relationship weakens when the block weight gets close to its maximum value (4 million weight units), in which case it’s impossible for a block to include more transactions.

In the previous charts, you saw how mining fees are correlated to block weights and transaction volumes. In the next query, analyze the data from a different perspective. Miner revenue is not only made up of miner fees. It also includes block rewards after mining a new block. This reward is currently 6.25 BTC, and it gets halved every four years. What are some trends in miner revenue?

What percentage of the average miner’s revenue comes from fees compared to block rewards?

Miners are incentivized to keep the network up and running because they earn fees and rewards after mining each block. How much of their revenue comes from each source?

Line graph with two lines showing the average fee and block reward, over the last five days

This chart analyzes the last five days of average miner revenue. The left axis shows the percentage of total revenue that comes from transaction fees (green) and block rewards (yellow). Most miner revenue actually comes from block rewards (6.25 BTC at the moment). Fees never accounted for more than 3% in the last five days.

This kind of analysis can start discussions around the long-term fading of block rewards and how on-chain fees need to rise to incentivize miners and sustain the network. (Note that the left axis is logarithmic-scale, so it’s easier to see the green “fees” portion.)

How does block weight affect miner fees?

You’ve already seen that more transactions in a block mean it’s more expensive to mine. Is it the same with block weights? The more transactions a block has, the larger its size (or weight), so the block weight and mining fee should be tightly correlated.

This query uses a 12-hour moving average to calculate the block weight and block mining fee over time.

block weight and fees

You can see that the block weight and block mining fee are indeed tightly connected to each other. In practice, you can also see that four million weight units is the size limit introduced in the 2017 SegWit update. This means that, looking at this graph, there’s still room to grow for individual blocks, and they could include even more transactions.

What’s the average miner revenue per block?

Now, analyze how much revenue miners actually generate by mining a new block on the blockchain, including fees and block rewards. This query analyzes the last day with 12-hour moving averages.

Average miner revenue per block, plotted over the last day

To make the chart more interesting, add the BTC-USD rate to the analysis and increase the time range:

Average miner revenue per block, plotted in BTC and USD, over the last five days