

On mac: brew install restic


Set these environment variables. The key values do not matter.

  1. export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=any-key-id
  2. export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=any-access-key

Execute commands

  1. # create the bucket
  2. $ s3cmd mb s3://resticbucket
  3. $ restic -r s3:http://localhost:8333/resticbucket init
  4. $ restic -r s3:http://localhost:8333/resticbucket backup /Users/chris/dev/gopath/bin/
  5. open repository
  6. enter password for repository:
  7. repository 47edd0a2 opened successfully, password is correct
  8. created new cache in /Users/chris/Library/Caches/restic
  9. Files: 71 new, 0 changed, 0 unmodified
  10. Dirs: 4 new, 0 changed, 0 unmodified
  11. Added to the repo: 805.611 MiB
  12. processed 71 files, 807.721 MiB in 0:05
  13. snapshot 7436ec41 saved