11.112. Release 0.129


There is a performance regression in this release for GROUP BY and JOINqueries when the length of the keys is between 16 and 31 bytes. This is fixedin Release 0.130.

General Changes

  • Fix a planner issue that could cause queries involving OUTER JOIN toreturn incorrect results.
  • Some queries, particularly those using max_by() or min_by(), nowaccurately reflect their true memory usage and thus appear to use more memorythan before.
  • Fix SHOW SESSION to not show hidden session properties.
  • Fix hang in large queries with ORDER BY and LIMIT.
  • Fix an issue when casting empty arrays or arrays containing only NULL toother types.
  • Table property names are now properly treated as case-insensitive.
  • Minor UI improvements for query detail page.
  • Do not display useless stack traces for expected exceptions in verifier.
  • Improve performance of queries involving UNION ALL that write data.
  • Introduce the P4HyperLogLog type, which uses an implementation of the HyperLogLog datastructure that trades off accuracy and memory requirements when handling small sets for animprovement in performance.

JDBC Driver Changes

  • Throw exception when using SET SESSION or RESET SESSIONrather than silently ignoring the command.
  • The driver now properly supports non-query statements.The Statement interface supports all variants of the execute methods.It also supports the getUpdateCount and getLargeUpdateCount methods.

CLI Changes

  • Always clear screen when canceling query with ctrl-C.
  • Make client request timeout configurable.

Network Topology Aware Scheduling

The scheduler can now be configured to take network topology into account whenscheduling splits. This is set using the node-scheduler.network-topologyconfig. See Tuning Presto for more information.

Hive Changes

  • The S3 region is no longer automatically configured when running in EC2.To enable this feature, use hive.s3.pin-client-to-current-region=truein your Hive catalog properties file. Enabling this feature is requiredto access S3 data in the China isolated region, but prevents accessingdata outside the current region.
  • Server-side encryption is now supported for S3. To enable this feature,use hive.s3.sse.enabled=true in your Hive catalog properties file.
  • Add support for the retention_days table property.
  • Add support for S3 EncryptionMaterialsProvider.