Microsoft 365

The m365 log type collects a range of data for Microsoft 365, such as the following:

  • Records from call details
  • Performance data
  • SQL Server events
  • Security events
  • Access control activity

The following code snippet contains all the raw_field and ecs mappings for this log type:

  1. "mappings": [
  2. {
  3. "raw_field":"eventSource",
  4. "ecs":"rsa.misc.event_source"
  5. },
  6. {
  7. "raw_field":"eventName",
  8. "ecs":"rsa.misc.event_desc"
  9. },
  10. {
  11. "raw_field":"status",
  12. "ecs":"rsa.misc.status"
  13. },
  14. {
  15. "raw_field":"Payload",
  16. "ecs":"rsa.misc.payload_dst"
  17. }
  18. ]