CAT indices

Introduced 1.0

The CAT indices operation lists information related to indexes, that is, how much disk space they are using, how many shards they have, their health status, and so on.

Path and HTTP methods

  1. GET _cat/indices/<index>
  2. GET _cat/indices

URL parameters

All URL parameters are optional.

In addition to the common URL parameters, you can specify the following parameters:

bytesByte sizeSpecify the units for byte size. For example, 7kb or 6gb. For more information, see Supported units.
healthStringLimit indexes based on their health status. Supported values are green, yellow, and red.
include_unloaded_segmentsBooleanWhether to include information from segments not loaded into memory. Default is false.
cluster_manager_timeoutTimeThe amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node. Default is 30 seconds.
priBooleanWhether to return information only from the primary shards. Default is false.
timeTimeSpecify the units for time. For example, 5d or 7h. For more information, see Supported units.
expand_wildcardsEnumExpands wildcard expressions to concrete indexes. Combine multiple values with commas. Supported values are all, open, closed, hidden, and none. Default is open.

Example requests

  1. GET _cat/indices?v


To limit the information to a specific index, add the index name after your query.

  1. GET _cat/indices/<index>?v


If you want to get information for more than one index, separate the indexes with commas:

  1. GET _cat/indices/index1,index2,index3


Example response

  1. health | status | index | uuid | pri | rep | docs.count | docs.deleted | store.size |
  2. green | open | movies | UZbpfERBQ1-3GSH2bnM3sg | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 7.7kb | 3.8kb