Workflow settings

The following keys represent configurable workflow settings.

SettingData typeDefault valueDescription
plugins.flow_framework.enabledBooleanfalseWhether the Flow Framework API is enabled.
plugins.flow_framework.max_workflowsInteger1000The maximum number of workflows that you can create. When the limit is above 1,000, the number of existing workflows is defined as a lower bound for performance reasons, so the actual maximum may slightly exceed this value.
plugins.flow_framework.max_workflow_stepsInteger50The maximum number of steps a workflow can have.
plugins.flow_framework.request_timeoutTime units10sThe default timeout for REST requests, which applies to internal search queries.
plugins.flow_framework.task_request_retry_durationTime units5sWhen steps correspond to an API that produces a task_id, OpenSearch will retry them at this interval until completion.