Migrating from the OpenShift SDN cluster network provider

As a cluster administrator, you can migrate to the OVN-Kubernetes Container Network Interface (CNI) cluster network provider from the OpenShift SDN CNI cluster network provider.

To learn more about OVN-Kubernetes, read About the OVN-Kubernetes network provider.

Migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network provider

Migrating to the OVN-Kubernetes Container Network Interface (CNI) default network provider is a manual process that includes some downtime during which your cluster is unreachable. Although a rollback procedure is provided, the migration is intended to be a one-way process.

A migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network provider is supported on installer-provisioned clusters on only bare metal hardware.

Performing a migration on a user-provisioned cluster on bare metal hardware is not supported.

Considerations for migrating to the OVN-Kubernetes network provider

The subnets assigned to nodes and the IP addresses assigned to individual pods are not preserved during the migration.

While the OVN-Kubernetes network provider implements many of the capabilities present in the OpenShift SDN network provider, the configuration is not the same.

  • If your cluster uses any of the following OpenShift SDN capabilities, you must manually configure the same capability in OVN-Kubernetes:

    • Namespace isolation

    • Egress IP addresses

    • Egress network policies

    • Egress router pods

    • Multicast

  • If your cluster uses any part of the IP address range, you cannot migrate to OVN-Kubernetes because it uses this IP address range internally.

The following sections highlight the differences in configuration between the aforementioned capabilities in OVN-Kubernetes and OpenShift SDN.

Namespace isolation

OVN-Kubernetes supports only the network policy isolation mode.

If your cluster uses OpenShift SDN configured in either the multitenant or subnet isolation modes, you cannot migrate to the OVN-Kubernetes network provider.

Egress IP addresses

The differences in configuring an egress IP address between OVN-Kubernetes and OpenShift SDN is described in the following table:

Table 1. Differences in egress IP address configuration
OVN-KubernetesOpenShift SDN
  • Create an EgressIPs object

  • Add an annotation on a Node object

  • Patch a NetNamespace object

  • Patch a HostSubnet object

For more information on using egress IP addresses in OVN-Kubernetes, see “Configuring an egress IP address”.

Egress network policies

The difference in configuring an egress network policy, also known as an egress firewall, between OVN-Kubernetes and OpenShift SDN is described in the following table:

Table 2. Differences in egress network policy configuration
OVN-KubernetesOpenShift SDN
  • Create an EgressFirewall object in a namespace

  • Create an EgressNetworkPolicy object in a namespace

For more information on using an egress firewall in OVN-Kubernetes, see “Configuring an egress firewall for a project”.

Egress router pods

OVN-Kubernetes does not support using egress router pods in OKD 4.6.


The difference between enabling multicast traffic on OVN-Kubernetes and OpenShift SDN is described in the following table:

Table 3. Differences in multicast configuration
OVN-KubernetesOpenShift SDN
  • Add an annotation on a Namespace object

  • Add an annotation on a NetNamespace object

For more information on using multicast in OVN-Kubernetes, see “Enabling multicast for a project”.

Network policies

OVN-Kubernetes fully supports the Kubernetes NetworkPolicy API in the networking.k8s.io/v1 API group. No changes are necessary in your network policies when migrating from OpenShift SDN.

How the migration process works

The migration process works as follows:

  1. Set a temporary annotation set on the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) configuration object. This annotation triggers the CNO to watch for a change to the defaultNetwork field.

  2. Suspend the Machine Config Operator (MCO) to ensure that it does not interrupt the migration.

  3. Update the defaultNetwork field. The update causes the CNO to destroy the OpenShift SDN control plane pods and deploy the OVN-Kubernetes control plane pods. Additionally, it updates the Multus objects to reflect the new cluster network provider.

  4. Reboot each node in the cluster. Because the existing pods in the cluster are unaware of the change to the cluster network provider, rebooting each node ensures that each node is drained of pods. New pods are attached to the new cluster network provided by OVN-Kubernetes.

  5. Enable the MCO after all nodes in the cluster reboot. The MCO rolls out an update to the systemd configuration necessary to complete the migration. The MCO updates a single machine per pool at a time by default, so the total time the migration takes increases with the size of the cluster.

Migrating to the OVN-Kubernetes default CNI network provider

As a cluster administrator, you can change the default Container Network Interface (CNI) network provider for your cluster to OVN-Kubernetes. During the migration, you must reboot every node in your cluster.

While performing the migration, your cluster is unavailable and workloads might be interrupted. Perform the migration only when an interruption in service is acceptable.


  • A cluster installed on bare metal installer-provisioned infrastructure and configured with the OpenShift SDN default CNI network provider in the network policy isolation mode.

  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.

  • A recent backup of the etcd database is available.

  • The cluster is in a known good state, without any errors.


  1. To backup the configuration for the cluster network, enter the following command:

    1. $ oc get Network.config.openshift.io cluster -o yaml > cluster-openshift-sdn.yaml
  2. To enable the migration, set an annotation on the Cluster Network Operator configuration object by entering the following command:

    1. $ oc annotate Network.operator.openshift.io cluster \
    2. 'networkoperator.openshift.io/network-migration'=""
  3. Stop all of the machine configuration pools managed by the Machine Config Operator (MCO):

    • Stop the master configuration pool:

      1. $ oc patch MachineConfigPool master --type='merge' --patch \
      2. '{ "spec": { "paused": true } }'
    • Stop the worker configuration pool:

      1. $ oc patch MachineConfigPool worker --type='merge' --patch \
      2. '{ "spec":{ "paused" :true } }'
  4. To configure the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network provider, enter the following command:

    1. $ oc patch Network.config.openshift.io cluster \
    2. --type='merge' --patch '{ "spec": { "networkType": "OVNKubernetes" } }'
  5. Optional: You can customize the following settings for OVN-Kubernetes to meet your network infrastructure requirements:

    • Maximum transmission unit (MTU)

    • Geneve (Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation) overlay network port

    To customize either of the previously noted settings, enter and customize the following command. If you do not need to change the default value, omit the key from the patch.

    1. $ oc patch Network.operator.openshift.io cluster --type=merge \
    2. --patch '{
    3. "spec":{
    4. "defaultNetwork":{
    5. "ovnKubernetesConfig":{
    6. "mtu":<mtu>,
    7. "genevePort":<port>
    8. }}}}'


    The MTU for the Geneve overlay network. This value is normally configured automatically, but if the nodes in your cluster do not all use the same MTU, then you must set this explicitly to 100 less than the smallest node MTU value.


    The UDP port for the Geneve overlay network.

    Example patch command to update mtu field

    1. $ oc patch Network.operator.openshift.io cluster --type=merge \
    2. --patch '{
    3. "spec":{
    4. "defaultNetwork":{
    5. "ovnKubernetesConfig":{
    6. "mtu":1200
    7. }}}}'
  6. Wait until the Multus daemon set rollout completes.

    1. $ oc -n openshift-multus rollout status daemonset/multus

    The name of the Multus pods is in form of multus-<xxxxx> where <xxxxx> is a random sequence of letters. It might take several moments for the pods to restart.

    Example output

    1. Waiting for daemon set "multus" rollout to finish: 1 out of 6 new pods have been updated...
    2. ...
    3. Waiting for daemon set "multus" rollout to finish: 5 of 6 updated pods are available...
    4. daemon set "multus" successfully rolled out
  7. To complete the migration, reboot each node in your cluster. For example, you can use a bash script similar to the following example. The script assumes that you can connect to each host by using ssh and that you have configured sudo to not prompt for a password.

    1. #!/bin/bash
    2. for ip in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}')
    3. do
    4. echo "reboot node $ip"
    5. ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no core@$ip sudo shutdown -r -t 3
    6. done

    If ssh access is not available, you might be able to reboot each node through the management portal for your infrastructure provider.

  8. After the nodes in your cluster have rebooted, start all of the machine configuration pools:

    • Start the master configuration pool:

      1. $ oc patch MachineConfigPool master --type='merge' --patch \
      2. '{ "spec": { "paused": false } }'
    • Start the worker configuration pool:

      1. $ oc patch MachineConfigPool worker --type='merge' --patch \
      2. '{ "spec": { "paused": false } }'

    As the MCO updates machines in each config pool, it reboots each node.

    By default the MCO updates a single machine per pool at a time, so the time that the migration requires to complete grows with the size of the cluster.

  9. Confirm the status of the new machine configuration on the hosts:

    1. To list the machine configuration state and the name of the applied machine configuration, enter the following command:

      1. $ oc describe node | egrep "hostname|machineconfig"

      Example output

      1. kubernetes.io/hostname=master-0
      2. machineconfiguration.openshift.io/currentConfig: rendered-master-c53e221d9d24e1c8bb6ee89dd3d8ad7b
      3. machineconfiguration.openshift.io/desiredConfig: rendered-master-c53e221d9d24e1c8bb6ee89dd3d8ad7b
      4. machineconfiguration.openshift.io/reason:
      5. machineconfiguration.openshift.io/state: Done

      Verify that the following statements are true:

      • The value of machineconfiguration.openshift.io/state field is Done.

      • The value of the machineconfiguration.openshift.io/currentConfig field is equal to the value of the machineconfiguration.openshift.io/desiredConfig field.

    2. To confirm that the machine config is correct, enter the following command:

      1. $ oc get machineconfig <config_name> -o yaml | grep ExecStart

      where <config_name> is the name of the machine config from the machineconfiguration.openshift.io/currentConfig field.

      The machine config must include the following update to the systemd configuration:

      1. ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/configure-ovs.sh OVNKubernetes
  10. Confirm that the migration succeeded:

    1. To confirm that the default CNI network provider is OVN-Kubernetes, enter the following command. The value of status.networkType must be OVNKubernetes.

      1. $ oc get network.config/cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.networkType}{"\n"}'
    2. To confirm that the cluster nodes are in the Ready state, enter the following command:

      1. $ oc get nodes
    3. If a node is stuck in the NotReady state, investigate the machine config daemon pod logs and resolve any errors.

      1. To list the pods, enter the following command:

        1. $ oc get pod -n openshift-machine-config-operator

        Example output

        2. machine-config-controller-75f756f89d-sjp8b 1/1 Running 0 37m
        3. machine-config-daemon-5cf4b 2/2 Running 0 43h
        4. machine-config-daemon-7wzcd 2/2 Running 0 43h
        5. machine-config-daemon-fc946 2/2 Running 0 43h
        6. machine-config-daemon-g2v28 2/2 Running 0 43h
        7. machine-config-daemon-gcl4f 2/2 Running 0 43h
        8. machine-config-daemon-l5tnv 2/2 Running 0 43h
        9. machine-config-operator-79d9c55d5-hth92 1/1 Running 0 37m
        10. machine-config-server-bsc8h 1/1 Running 0 43h
        11. machine-config-server-hklrm 1/1 Running 0 43h
        12. machine-config-server-k9rtx 1/1 Running 0 43h

        The names for the config daemon pods are in the following format: machine-config-daemon-<seq>. The <seq> value is a random five character alphanumeric sequence.

      2. Display the pod log for the first machine config daemon pod shown in the previous output by enter the following command:

        1. $ oc logs <pod> -n openshift-machine-config-operator

        where pod is the name of a machine config daemon pod.

      3. Resolve any errors in the logs shown by the output from the previous command.

    4. To confirm that your pods are not in an error state, enter the following command:

      1. $ oc get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --sort-by='{.spec.nodeName}'

      If pods on a node are in an error state, reboot that node.

  11. Complete the following steps only if the migration succeeds and your cluster is in a good state:

    1. To remove the migration annotation from the Cluster Network Operator configuration object, enter the following command:

      1. $ oc annotate Network.operator.openshift.io cluster \
      2. networkoperator.openshift.io/network-migration-
    2. To remove the OpenShift SDN network provider namespace, enter the following command:

      1. $ oc delete namespace openshift-sdn

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