Object Store Walkthrough

If you are running a local nats-server stop it and restart it with JetStream enabled using nats-server -js (if that’s not already done)

You can then check that JetStream is enabled by using

  1. nats account info

Which should output something like:

  1. Connection Information:
  2. Client ID: 6
  3. Client IP:
  4. RTT: 64.996µs
  5. Headers Supported: true
  6. Maximum Payload: 1.0 MiB
  7. Connected URL: nats://
  8. Connected Address:
  10. JetStream Account Information:
  11. Memory: 0 B of Unlimited
  12. Storage: 0 B of Unlimited
  13. Streams: 0 of Unlimited
  14. Consumers: 0 of Unlimited

If you see the below instead then JetStream is not enabled

  1. JetStream Account Information:
  2. JetStream is not supported in this account

Creating an Object Store bucket

Just like you need to create streams before you can use them you need to first create an Object Store bucket

  1. nats object add myobjbucket

which outputs

  1. myobjbucket Object Store Status
  2. Bucket Name: myobjbucket
  3. Replicas: 1
  4. TTL: unlimitd
  5. Sealed: false
  6. Size: 0 B
  7. Backing Store Kind: JetStream
  8. JetStream Stream: OBJ_myobjbucket

Putting a file in the bucket

  1. nats object put myobjbucket ~/Movies/NATS-logo.mov
  1. 1.5 GiB / 1.5 GiB [====================================================================================]
  2. Object information for myobjbucket > /Users/jnmoyne/Movies/NATS-logo.mov
  3. Size: 1.5 GiB
  4. Modification Time: 14 Apr 22 00:34 +0000
  5. Chunks: 12,656
  6. Digest: sha-256 8ee0679dd1462de393d81a3032d71f43d2bc89c0c8a557687cfe2787e926

Putting a file in the bucket by providing a name

By default the full file path is used as a key. Provide the key explicitly (e.g. a relative path ) with --name

  1. nats object put --name /Movies/NATS-logo.mov myobjbucket ~/Movies/NATS-logo.mov
  1. 1.5 GiB / 1.5 GiB [====================================================================================]
  2. Object information for myobjbucket > /Movies/NATS-logo.mov
  3. Size: 1.5 GiB
  4. Modification Time: 14 Apr 22 00:34 +0000
  5. Chunks: 12,656
  6. Digest: sha-256 8ee0679dd1462de393d81a3032d71f43d2bc89c0c8a557687cfe2787e926

Listing the objects in a bucket

  1. nats object ls myobjbucket
  1. ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
  2. Bucket Contents
  3. ├─────────────────────────────────────┬─────────┬───────────────────────────┤
  4. Name Size Time
  5. ├─────────────────────────────────────┼─────────┼───────────────────────────┤
  6. /Users/jnmoyne/Movies/NATS-logo.mov 1.5 GiB 2022-04-13T17:34:55-07:00
  7. /Movies/NATS-logo.mov 1.5 GiB 2022-04-13T17:35:41-07:00
  8. ╰─────────────────────────────────────┴─────────┴───────────────────────────╯

Getting an object from the bucket

  1. nats object get myobjbucket ~/Movies/NATS-logo.mov
  1. 1.5 GiB / 1.5 GiB [====================================================================================]
  2. Wrote: 1.5 GiB to /Users/jnmoyne/NATS-logo.mov in 5.68s average 279 MiB/s

Getting an object from the bucket with a specific output path

By default, the file will be stored relative to the local path under its name (not the full path). To specify an output path use --output

  1. nats object get myobjbucket --output /temp/Movies/NATS-logo.mov /Movies/NATS-logo.mov
  1. 1.5 GiB / 1.5 GiB [====================================================================================]
  2. Wrote: 1.5 GiB to /temp/Movies/NATS-logo.mov in 5.68s average 279 MiB/s

Removing an object from the bucket

  1. nats object rm myobjbucket ~/Movies/NATS-logo.mov
  1. ? Delete 1.5 GiB byte file myobjbucket > /Users/jnmoyne/Movies/NATS-logo.mov? Yes
  2. Removed myobjbucket > /Users/jnmoyne/Movies/NATS-logo.mov
  3. myobjbucket Object Store Status
  4. Bucket Name: myobjbucket
  5. Replicas: 1
  6. TTL: unlimitd
  7. Sealed: false
  8. Size: 16 MiB
  9. Backing Store Kind: JetStream
  10. JetStream Stream: OBJ_myobjbucket

Getting information about the bucket

  1. nats object info myobjbucket
  1. myobjbucket Object Store Status
  2. Bucket Name: myobjbucket
  3. Replicas: 1
  4. TTL: unlimitd
  5. Sealed: false
  6. Size: 1.6 GiB
  7. Backing Store Kind: JetStream
  8. JetStream Stream: OBJ_myobjbucket

Watching for changes to a bucket

  1. nats object watch myobjbucket
  1. [2022-04-13 17:51:28] PUT myobjbucket > /Users/jnmoyne/Movies/NATS-logo.mov: 1.5 GiB bytes in 12,656 chunks
  2. [2022-04-13 17:53:27] DEL myobjbucket > /Users/jnmoyne/Movies/NATS-logo.mov

Sealing a bucket

You can seal a bucket, meaning that no further changes are allowed on that bucket

  1. nats object seal myobjbucket
  1. ? Really seal Bucket myobjbucket, sealed buckets can not be unsealed or modified Yes
  2. myobjbucket has been sealed
  3. myobjbucket Object Store Status
  4. Bucket Name: myobjbucket
  5. Replicas: 1
  6. TTL: unlimitd
  7. Sealed: true
  8. Size: 1.6 GiB
  9. Backing Store Kind: JetStream
  10. JetStream Stream: OBJ_myobjbucket

Deleting a bucket

Using nats object rm myobjbucket will delete the bucket and all the files stored in it.