Install longhornctl

Use the Prebuilt Binary

  1. Download the binary:

    1. # Choose your architecture (amd64 or arm64).
    2. ARCH="amd64"
    3. # Download the release binary.
    4. curl -LO "${ARCH}"
  2. Validate the binary:

    1. # Download the checksum for your architecture.
    2. curl -LO "${ARCH}.sha256"
    3. # Verify the downloaded binary matches the checksum.
    4. echo "$(cat longhornctl-linux-${ARCH}.sha256 | awk '{print $1}') longhornctl-linux-${ARCH}" | sha256sum --check
  3. Install the binary:

    1. sudo install longhornctl-linux-${ARCH} /usr/local/bin/longhornctl
  4. Verify installation:

    1. longhornctl version

Build From Source

See this document in the GitHub repository.

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Install longhornctl - 图1 Install longhornctl - 图2