
Performance Measurement Tools

Equinix (m3.small.x86)

  • Machine: Japan/m3.small.x86
  • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2378G CPU @ 2.80GHz
  • RAM: 64 GiB
  • Kubernetes: v1.23.6+rke2r2
  • Nodes: 3 (each node is a master and also a worker)
  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04 / 5.15.0-33-generic
  • Storage: 1 SSD (Micron_5300_MTFD)
  • Network throughput between nodes (tested by iperf over 60 seconds): 15.0 Gbits/sec
Performance - 图1
Performance - 图2
Performance - 图3

AWS EC2 (c5d.xlarge)

  • Machine: Tokyo/c5d.xlarge
  • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8124M CPU @ 3.00GHz
  • RAM: 8 GiB
  • Kubernetes: v1.25.10+rke2r1
  • Nodes: 3 (each node is a master and also a worker)
  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS / 5.19.0-1025-aws
  • Storage: 1 SSD (Amazon EC2 NVMe Instance Storage/Local NVMe Storage)
  • Network throughput between nodes (tested by iperf over 60 seconds): 7.9 Gbits/sec
Performance - 图4
Performance - 图5
Performance - 图6

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Performance - 图7 Performance - 图8