Set up Konnectivity service

The Konnectivity service provides a TCP level proxy for the control plane to cluster communication.

Before you begin

You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. It is recommended to run this tutorial on a cluster with at least two nodes that are not acting as control plane hosts. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using minikube.

Configure the Konnectivity service

The following steps require an egress configuration, for example:

  1. admin/konnectivity/egress-selector-configuration.yaml
  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: EgressSelectorConfiguration
  3. egressSelections:
  4. # Since we want to control the egress traffic to the cluster, we use the
  5. # "cluster" as the name. Other supported values are "etcd", and "controlplane".
  6. - name: cluster
  7. connection:
  8. # This controls the protocol between the API Server and the Konnectivity
  9. # server. Supported values are "GRPC" and "HTTPConnect". There is no
  10. # end user visible difference between the two modes. You need to set the
  11. # Konnectivity server to work in the same mode.
  12. proxyProtocol: GRPC
  13. transport:
  14. # This controls what transport the API Server uses to communicate with the
  15. # Konnectivity server. UDS is recommended if the Konnectivity server
  16. # locates on the same machine as the API Server. You need to configure the
  17. # Konnectivity server to listen on the same UDS socket.
  18. # The other supported transport is "tcp". You will need to set up TLS
  19. # config to secure the TCP transport.
  20. uds:
  21. udsName: /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server/konnectivity-server.socket

You need to configure the API Server to use the Konnectivity service and direct the network traffic to the cluster nodes:

  1. Make sure that Service Account Token Volume Projection feature enabled in your cluster. It is enabled by default since Kubernetes v1.20.
  2. Create an egress configuration file such as admin/konnectivity/egress-selector-configuration.yaml.
  3. Set the --egress-selector-config-file flag of the API Server to the path of your API Server egress configuration file.
  4. If you use UDS connection, add volumes config to the kube-apiserver:

    1. spec:
    2. containers:
    3. volumeMounts:
    4. - name: konnectivity-uds
    5. mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server
    6. readOnly: false
    7. volumes:
    8. - name: konnectivity-uds
    9. hostPath:
    10. path: /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server
    11. type: DirectoryOrCreate

Generate or obtain a certificate and kubeconfig for konnectivity-server. For example, you can use the OpenSSL command line tool to issue a X.509 certificate, using the cluster CA certificate /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt from a control-plane host.

  1. openssl req -subj "/CN=system:konnectivity-server" -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out konnectivity.csr -keyout konnectivity.key
  2. openssl x509 -req -in konnectivity.csr -CA /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt -CAkey /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out konnectivity.crt -days 375 -sha256
  3. SERVER=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.clusters..server}')
  4. kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server.conf config set-credentials system:konnectivity-server --client-certificate konnectivity.crt --client-key konnectivity.key --embed-certs=true
  5. kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server.conf config set-cluster kubernetes --server "$SERVER" --certificate-authority /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt --embed-certs=true
  6. kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server.conf config set-context system:konnectivity-server@kubernetes --cluster kubernetes --user system:konnectivity-server
  7. kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server.conf config use-context system:konnectivity-server@kubernetes
  8. rm -f konnectivity.crt konnectivity.key konnectivity.csr

Next, you need to deploy the Konnectivity server and agents. kubernetes-sigs/apiserver-network-proxy is a reference implementation.

Deploy the Konnectivity server on your control plane node. The provided konnectivity-server.yaml manifest assumes that the Kubernetes components are deployed as a static Pod in your cluster. If not, you can deploy the Konnectivity server as a DaemonSet.

  1. admin/konnectivity/konnectivity-server.yaml
  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Pod
  3. metadata:
  4. name: konnectivity-server
  5. namespace: kube-system
  6. spec:
  7. priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
  8. hostNetwork: true
  9. containers:
  10. - name: konnectivity-server-container
  11. image:
  12. command: ["/proxy-server"]
  13. args: [
  14. "--logtostderr=true",
  15. # This needs to be consistent with the value set in egressSelectorConfiguration.
  16. "--uds-name=/etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server/konnectivity-server.socket",
  17. "--delete-existing-uds-file",
  18. # The following two lines assume the Konnectivity server is
  19. # deployed on the same machine as the apiserver, and the certs and
  20. # key of the API Server are at the specified location.
  21. "--cluster-cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt",
  22. "--cluster-key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.key",
  23. # This needs to be consistent with the value set in egressSelectorConfiguration.
  24. "--mode=grpc",
  25. "--server-port=0",
  26. "--agent-port=8132",
  27. "--admin-port=8133",
  28. "--health-port=8134",
  29. "--agent-namespace=kube-system",
  30. "--agent-service-account=konnectivity-agent",
  31. "--kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server.conf",
  32. "--authentication-audience=system:konnectivity-server"
  33. ]
  34. livenessProbe:
  35. httpGet:
  36. scheme: HTTP
  37. host:
  38. port: 8134
  39. path: /healthz
  40. initialDelaySeconds: 30
  41. timeoutSeconds: 60
  42. ports:
  43. - name: agentport
  44. containerPort: 8132
  45. hostPort: 8132
  46. - name: adminport
  47. containerPort: 8133
  48. hostPort: 8133
  49. - name: healthport
  50. containerPort: 8134
  51. hostPort: 8134
  52. volumeMounts:
  53. - name: k8s-certs
  54. mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/pki
  55. readOnly: true
  56. - name: kubeconfig
  57. mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server.conf
  58. readOnly: true
  59. - name: konnectivity-uds
  60. mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server
  61. readOnly: false
  62. volumes:
  63. - name: k8s-certs
  64. hostPath:
  65. path: /etc/kubernetes/pki
  66. - name: kubeconfig
  67. hostPath:
  68. path: /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server.conf
  69. type: FileOrCreate
  70. - name: konnectivity-uds
  71. hostPath:
  72. path: /etc/kubernetes/konnectivity-server
  73. type: DirectoryOrCreate

Then deploy the Konnectivity agents in your cluster:

  1. admin/konnectivity/konnectivity-agent.yaml
  1. apiVersion: apps/v1
  2. # Alternatively, you can deploy the agents as Deployments. It is not necessary
  3. # to have an agent on each node.
  4. kind: DaemonSet
  5. metadata:
  6. labels:
  7. Reconcile
  8. k8s-app: konnectivity-agent
  9. namespace: kube-system
  10. name: konnectivity-agent
  11. spec:
  12. selector:
  13. matchLabels:
  14. k8s-app: konnectivity-agent
  15. template:
  16. metadata:
  17. labels:
  18. k8s-app: konnectivity-agent
  19. spec:
  20. priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
  21. tolerations:
  22. - key: "CriticalAddonsOnly"
  23. operator: "Exists"
  24. containers:
  25. - image:
  26. name: konnectivity-agent
  27. command: ["/proxy-agent"]
  28. args: [
  29. "--logtostderr=true",
  30. "--ca-cert=/var/run/secrets/",
  31. # Since the konnectivity server runs with hostNetwork=true,
  32. # this is the IP address of the master machine.
  33. "--proxy-server-host=",
  34. "--proxy-server-port=8132",
  35. "--admin-server-port=8133",
  36. "--health-server-port=8134",
  37. "--service-account-token-path=/var/run/secrets/tokens/konnectivity-agent-token"
  38. ]
  39. volumeMounts:
  40. - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
  41. name: konnectivity-agent-token
  42. livenessProbe:
  43. httpGet:
  44. port: 8134
  45. path: /healthz
  46. initialDelaySeconds: 15
  47. timeoutSeconds: 15
  48. serviceAccountName: konnectivity-agent
  49. volumes:
  50. - name: konnectivity-agent-token
  51. projected:
  52. sources:
  53. - serviceAccountToken:
  54. path: konnectivity-agent-token
  55. audience: system:konnectivity-server

Last, if RBAC is enabled in your cluster, create the relevant RBAC rules:

  1. admin/konnectivity/konnectivity-rbac.yaml
  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  3. metadata:
  4. name: system:konnectivity-server
  5. labels:
  6. "true"
  7. Reconcile
  8. roleRef:
  9. apiGroup:
  10. kind: ClusterRole
  11. name: system:auth-delegator
  12. subjects:
  13. - apiGroup:
  14. kind: User
  15. name: system:konnectivity-server
  16. ---
  17. apiVersion: v1
  18. kind: ServiceAccount
  19. metadata:
  20. name: konnectivity-agent
  21. namespace: kube-system
  22. labels:
  23. "true"
  24. Reconcile