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Plugin Queuing Reference

This page is a reference for general plugin queuing parameters that you can set for certain plugins. Set these parameters in the configuration file for your plugin.

For more information, see the following plugin documentation:

Plugin queuing parameters

The unified queue parameter set consists of the following parameters:

ParameterTypeUnitDefault valueDescription
max_batch_sizeintegercount1Maximum number of queue entries to process per batch.
max_coalescing_delayfractionseconds1Maximum time to wait after the first entry has been received in the queue before sending out the batch. As soon as the maximum number of entries are waiting on the queue, a batch is sent immediately.
max_entriesintegercount10000Maximum number of entries that the queue can hold. Once this limit is reached, the oldest entry will be dropped when a new entry is enqueued.
max_retry_timefractionseconds60Maximum time that a batch is retried. This can be set to a negative value to disable retries.
initial_retry_delayfractionseconds0.01Initial delay before retrying after processing a failed batch.
max_retry_delayfractionseconds60Maximum time to wait between retries.

Queues are not shared between workers and queueing parameters are scoped to one worker. For whole-system capacity planning, the number of workers need to be considered when setting queue parameters.

More information

About Plugin Queuing - Find out how plugin queuing works.