Declarative Configuration

Declarative Configuration

Loading the declarative configuration of entities into Kong Gateway can be done in two ways: at start-up, through the declarative_config property, or at run-time, through the Admin API using the /config endpoint.

To get started using declarative configuration, you need a file (in YAML or JSON format) containing entity definitions. You can generate a sample declarative configuration with the command:

  1. kong config init

It generates a file named kong.yml in the current directory, containing the appropriate structure and examples.

Reload Declarative Configuration

This endpoint allows resetting a DB-less Kong with a new declarative configuration data file. All previous contents are erased from memory, and the entities specified in the given file take their place.

To learn more about the file format, see the declarative configuration documentation.


The config data (in YAML or JSON format) to be loaded.

Request Querystring Parameters

If set to 1, Kong will compare the hash of the input config data against that of the previous one. If the configuration is identical, it will not reload it and will return HTTP 304.


  1. HTTP 200 OK
  1. {
  2. {
  3. "services": [],
  4. "routes": []
  5. }
  6. }

The response contains a list of all the entities that were parsed from the input file.