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Enable Kong Manager

If you’re running Kong Gateway with a database (either in traditional or hybrid mode), you can enable Kong Gateway’s graphical user interface (GUI), Kong Manager.


Linux (kong.conf)

  1. Set the KONG_ADMIN_GUI_PATH and KONG_ADMIN_GUI_URL properties in the (kong.conf) configuration file to the DNS or IP address of your system, then restart Kong Gateway for the setting to take effect. For example:

    1. docker exec -i <KONG_CONTAINER_ID> /bin/sh -c "export KONG_ADMIN_GUI_PATH='/'; export KONG_ADMIN_GUI_URL='http://localhost:8002/manager'; kong reload; exit"

    Replace KONG_CONTAINER_ID with the ID of your Docker container.

  2. Access Kong Manager on port 8002 at the path you specified in KONG_ADMIN_GUI_PATH, or the default URL http://localhost:8002/workspaces.

  3. Update the admin_gui_url property in the kong.conf configuration file to the DNS, or IP address, of your system. For example:

    1. admin_gui_path = /manager
    2. admin_gui_url = http://localhost:8002/manager

    This setting needs to resolve to a network path that can reach the operating system (OS) host.

  4. Restart Kong Gateway for the setting to take effect, using the following command:

    1. kong restart -c {PATH_TO_KONG.CONF_FILE}
  5. Access Kong Manager on port 8002 at the path you specified in admin_gui_path.

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