Graphs API

6.1 Graphs

6.1.1 列出数据库中全部的图

Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "graphs": [
  3. "hugegraph",
  4. "hugegraph1"
  5. ]
  6. }

6.1.2 查看某个图的信息

Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "name": "hugegraph",
  3. "backend": "cassandra"
  4. }

6.1.3 清空某个图的全部数据,包括 schema、vertex、edge 和 index 等,该操作需要管理员权限


由于清空图是一个比较危险的操作,为避免用户误调用,我们给 API 添加了用于确认的参数:

  • confirm_message: 默认为I'm sure to delete all data
Method & Url
  1. DELETE http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/clear?confirm_message=I%27m+sure+to+delete+all+data
Response Status
  1. 204

6.1.4 克隆一个图 (管理员权限)

  • clone_graph_name: 已有图的名称;从已有的图来克隆,用户可选择传递配置文件,传递时将替换已有图中的配置;
Method & Url
  1. POST http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph_clone?clone_graph_name=hugegraph
Request Body (可选)

克隆 (fork) 一个无权限的新图 (body 类型必须设置为 Context-Type=text/plain)

  1. gremlin.graph=org.apache.hugegraph.HugeFactory
  2. backend=rocksdb
  3. serializer=binary
  4. store=hugegraph_clone
  5. rocksdb.data_path=./rks-data-xx
  6. rocksdb.wal_path=./rks-data-xx


  1. Rocksdb 存储路径不能与现有图相同(需使用不同的目录)
  2. 如需开启新图的权限系统,需替换设置 gremlin.graph=org.apache.hugegraph.auth.HugeFactoryAuthProxy
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "name": "hugegraph_clone",
  3. "backend": "rocksdb"
  4. }

6.1.5 创建一个图,该操作需要管理员权限

Method & Url
  1. POST http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph-xx
Request Body

新建一个无权限的新图 (body 类型必须设置为 Context-Type=text/plain)

  1. gremlin.graph=org.apache.hugegraph.HugeFactory
  2. backend=rocksdb
  3. serializer=binary
  4. store=hugegraph2
  5. rocksdb.data_path=./rks-data-xx
  6. rocksdb.wal_path=./rks-data-xx


  1. Rocksdb 存储路径不能与现有图相同(需使用不同的目录)
  2. 如需开启新图的权限系统,需替换设置 gremlin.graph=org.apache.hugegraph.auth.HugeFactoryAuthProxy
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "name": "hugegraph2",
  3. "backend": "rocksdb"
  4. }

6.1.6 删除某个图及其全部数据


由于删除图是一个比较危险的操作,为避免用户误调用,我们给 API 添加了用于确认的参数:

  • confirm_message: 默认为I'm sure to drop the graph
Method & Url
  1. DELETE http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph_clone?confirm_message=I%27m%20sure%20to%20drop%20the%20graph
Response Status
  1. 204

6.2 Conf

6.2.1 查看某个图的配置,该操作需要管理员权限

Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/conf
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. # gremlin entrence to create graph
  2. gremlin.graph=org.apache.hugegraph.HugeFactory
  3. # cache config
  4. #schema.cache_capacity=1048576
  5. #graph.cache_capacity=10485760
  6. #graph.cache_expire=600
  7. # schema illegal name template
  8. #schema.illegal_name_regex=\s+|~.*
  9. #vertex.default_label=vertex
  10. backend=cassandra
  11. serializer=cassandra
  12. store=hugegraph
  13. ...=

6.3 Mode


  • None 模式(默认),元数据和图数据的写入属于正常状态。特别的:
    • 元数据(schema)创建时不允许指定 ID
    • 图数据(vertex)在 id strategy 为 Automatic 时,不允许指定 ID
  • LOADING:批量导入数据时自动启用,特别的:
    • 添加顶点/边时,不会检查必填属性是否传入

Restore 时存在两种不同的模式:Restoring 和 Merging

  • Restoring 模式,恢复到一个新图中,特别的:
    • 元数据(schema)创建时允许指定 ID
    • 图数据(vertex)在 id strategy 为 Automatic 时,允许指定 ID
  • Merging 模式,合并到一个已存在元数据和图数据的图中,特别的:
    • 元数据(schema)创建时不允许指定 ID
    • 图数据(vertex)在 id strategy 为 Automatic 时,允许指定 ID

正常情况下,图模式为 None,当需要 Restore 图时,需要根据需要临时修改图模式为 Restoring 模式或者 Merging 模式,并在完成 Restore 时,恢复图模式为 None。

6.3.1 查看某个图的模式。

Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/mode
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "mode": "NONE"
  3. }


6.3.2 设置某个图的模式。该操作需要管理员权限

Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/mode
Request Body


Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "mode": "RESTORING"
  3. }

6.3.3 查看某个图的读模式。

  • name: 图的名称
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/graph_read_mode
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "graph_read_mode": "ALL"
  3. }

6.3.4 设置某个图的读模式。该操作需要管理员权限

  • name: 图的名称
Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/graph_read_mode
Request Body
  1. "OLTP_ONLY"


Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "graph_read_mode": "OLTP_ONLY"
  3. }

6.4 Snapshot

6.4.1 创建快照

  • name: 图的名称
Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/snapshot_create
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "hugegraph": "snapshot_created"
  3. }

6.4.2 快照恢复

  • name: 图的名称
Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/snapshot_resume
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "hugegraph": "snapshot_resumed"
  3. }

6.5 Compact

6.5.1 手动压缩图,该操作需要管理员权限

  • name: 图的名称
Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/compact
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "nodes": 1,
  3. "cluster_id": "local",
  4. "servers": {
  5. "local": "OK"
  6. }
  7. }

Last modified September 11, 2024: fix: misleading in dynamic crate graph api (#370) (34f50f86)