Authentication API

10.1 用户认证与权限控制

开启权限及相关配置请先参考 权限配置 文档


HugeGraph 支持多用户认证、以及细粒度的权限访问控制,采用基于“用户 - 用户组 - 操作 - 资源”的 4 层设计,灵活控制用户角色与权限。 资源描述了图数据库中的数据,比如符合某一类条件的顶点,每一个资源包括 type、label、properties 三个要素,共有 18 种 type、 任意 label、任意 properties 的组合形成的资源,一个资源的内部条件是且关系,多个资源之间的条件是或关系。用户可以属于一个或多个用户组, 每个用户组可以拥有对任意个资源的操作权限,操作类型包括:读、写、删除、执行等种类。HugeGraph 支持动态创建用户、用户组、资源, 支持动态分配或取消权限。初始化数据库时超级管理员用户被创建,后续可通过超级管理员创建各类角色用户,新创建的用户如果被分配足够权限后,可以由其创建或管理更多的用户。


user(name=boss) -belong-> group(name=all) -access(read)-> target(graph=graph1, resource={label: person, city: Beijing})


用户认证与权限控制接口包括 5 类:UserAPI、GroupAPI、TargetAPI、BelongAPI、AccessAPI。

10.2 用户(User)API


10.2.1 创建用户

  • user_name: 用户名称
  • user_password: 用户密码
  • user_phone: 用户手机号
  • user_email: 用户邮箱

其中 user_name 和 user_password 为必填。

Request Body
  1. {
  2. "user_name": "boss",
  3. "user_password": "******",
  4. "user_phone": "182****9088",
  5. "user_email": ""
  6. }
Method & Url
  1. POST http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/users
Response Status
  1. 201
Response Body


  1. {
  2. "user_password": "******",
  3. "user_email": "",
  4. "user_update": "2020-11-17 14:31:07.833",
  5. "user_name": "boss",
  6. "user_creator": "admin",
  7. "user_phone": "182****9088",
  8. "id": "-63:boss",
  9. "user_create": "2020-11-17 14:31:07.833"
  10. }

10.2.2 删除用户

  • id: 需要删除的用户 Id
Method & Url
  1. DELETE http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/users/-63:test
Response Status
  1. 204
Response Body
  1. 1

10.2.3 修改用户

  • id: 需要修改的用户 Id
Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/users/-63:test
Request Body

修改 user_name、user_password 和 user_phone

  1. {
  2. "user_name": "test",
  3. "user_password": "******",
  4. "user_phone": "183****9266"
  5. }
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body


  1. {
  2. "user_password": "******",
  3. "user_update": "2020-11-12 10:29:30.455",
  4. "user_name": "test",
  5. "user_creator": "admin",
  6. "user_phone": "183****9266",
  7. "id": "-63:test",
  8. "user_create": "2020-11-12 10:27:13.601"
  9. }

10.2.4 查询用户列表

  • limit: 返回结果条数的上限
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/users
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "users": [
  3. {
  4. "user_password": "******",
  5. "user_update": "2020-11-11 11:41:12.254",
  6. "user_name": "admin",
  7. "user_creator": "system",
  8. "id": "-63:admin",
  9. "user_create": "2020-11-11 11:41:12.254"
  10. }
  11. ]
  12. }

10.2.5 查询某个用户

  • id: 需要查询的用户 Id
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/users/-63:admin
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "users": [
  3. {
  4. "user_password": "******",
  5. "user_update": "2020-11-11 11:41:12.254",
  6. "user_name": "admin",
  7. "user_creator": "system",
  8. "id": "-63:admin",
  9. "user_create": "2020-11-11 11:41:12.254"
  10. }
  11. ]
  12. }

10.2.6 查询某个用户的角色

Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/users/-63:boss/role
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "roles": {
  3. "hugegraph": {
  4. "READ": [
  5. {
  6. "type": "ALL",
  7. "label": "*",
  8. "properties": null
  9. }
  10. ]
  11. }
  12. }
  13. }

10.3 用户组(Group)API


10.3.1 创建用户组

  • group_name: 用户组名称
  • group_description: 用户组描述
Request Body
  1. {
  2. "group_name": "all",
  3. "group_description": "group can do anything"
  4. }
Method & Url
  1. POST http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/groups
Response Status
  1. 201
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "group_creator": "admin",
  3. "group_name": "all",
  4. "group_create": "2020-11-11 15:46:08.791",
  5. "group_update": "2020-11-11 15:46:08.791",
  6. "id": "-69:all",
  7. "group_description": "group can do anything"
  8. }

10.3.2 删除用户组

  • id: 需要删除的用户组 Id
Method & Url
  1. DELETE http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/groups/-69:grant
Response Status
  1. 204
Response Body
  1. 1

10.3.3 修改用户组

  • id: 需要修改的用户组 Id
Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/groups/-69:grant
Request Body

修改 group_description

  1. {
  2. "group_name": "grant",
  3. "group_description": "grant"
  4. }
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body


  1. {
  2. "group_creator": "admin",
  3. "group_name": "grant",
  4. "group_create": "2020-11-12 09:50:58.458",
  5. "group_update": "2020-11-12 09:57:58.155",
  6. "id": "-69:grant",
  7. "group_description": "grant"
  8. }

10.3.4 查询用户组列表

  • limit: 返回结果条数的上限
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/groups
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "groups": [
  3. {
  4. "group_creator": "admin",
  5. "group_name": "all",
  6. "group_create": "2020-11-11 15:46:08.791",
  7. "group_update": "2020-11-11 15:46:08.791",
  8. "id": "-69:all",
  9. "group_description": "group can do anything"
  10. }
  11. ]
  12. }

10.3.5 查询某个用户组

  • id: 需要查询的用户组 Id
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/groups/-69:all
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "group_creator": "admin",
  3. "group_name": "all",
  4. "group_create": "2020-11-11 15:46:08.791",
  5. "group_update": "2020-11-11 15:46:08.791",
  6. "id": "-69:all",
  7. "group_description": "group can do anything"
  8. }

10.4 资源(Target)API

资源描述了图数据库中的数据,比如符合某一类条件的顶点,每一个资源包括 type、label、properties 三个要素,共有 18 种 type、 任意 label、任意 properties 的组合形成的资源,一个资源的内部条件是且关系,多个资源之间的条件是或关系。

10.4.1 创建资源

  • target_name: 资源名称
  • target_graph: 资源图
  • target_url: 资源地址
  • target_resources: 资源定义 (列表)

target_resources 可以包括多个 target_resource,以列表的形式存储。
每个 target_resource 包含:

  • type:可选值 VERTEX, EDGE 等,可填 ALL,则表示可以是顶点或边;
  • label:可选值,⼀个顶点或边类型的名称,可填*,则表示任意类型;
  • properties:map 类型,可包含多个属性的键值对,必须匹配所有属性值,属性值⽀持填条件范围(age: P.gte(18)),properties 如果为 null 表示任意属性均可,如果属性名和属性值均为‘*ʼ也表示任意属性均可。

如精细资源:“target_resources”: [{“type”:“VERTEX”,“label”:“person”,“properties”:{“city”:“Beijing”,“age”:“P.gte(20)”}}]**
资源定义含义:类型是’person’的顶点,且城市属性是’Beijing’,年龄属性大于等于 20。

Request Body
  1. {
  2. "target_name": "all",
  3. "target_graph": "hugegraph",
  4. "target_url": "",
  5. "target_resources": [
  6. {
  7. "type": "ALL"
  8. }
  9. ]
  10. }
Method & Url
  1. POST http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/targets
Response Status
  1. 201
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "target_creator": "admin",
  3. "target_name": "all",
  4. "target_url": "",
  5. "target_graph": "hugegraph",
  6. "target_create": "2020-11-11 15:32:01.192",
  7. "target_resources": [
  8. {
  9. "type": "ALL",
  10. "label": "*",
  11. "properties": null
  12. }
  13. ],
  14. "id": "-77:all",
  15. "target_update": "2020-11-11 15:32:01.192"
  16. }

10.4.2 删除资源

  • id: 需要删除的资源 Id
Method & Url
  1. DELETE http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/targets/-77:gremlin
Response Status
  1. 204
Response Body
  1. 1

10.4.3 修改资源

  • id: 需要修改的资源 Id
Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/targets/-77:gremlin
Request Body

修改资源定义中的 type

  1. {
  2. "target_name": "gremlin",
  3. "target_graph": "hugegraph",
  4. "target_url": "",
  5. "target_resources": [
  6. {
  7. "type": "NONE"
  8. }
  9. ]
  10. }
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body


  1. {
  2. "target_creator": "admin",
  3. "target_name": "gremlin",
  4. "target_url": "",
  5. "target_graph": "hugegraph",
  6. "target_create": "2020-11-12 09:34:13.848",
  7. "target_resources": [
  8. {
  9. "type": "NONE",
  10. "label": "*",
  11. "properties": null
  12. }
  13. ],
  14. "id": "-77:gremlin",
  15. "target_update": "2020-11-12 09:37:12.780"
  16. }

10.4.4 查询资源列表

  • limit: 返回结果条数的上限
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/targets
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "targets": [
  3. {
  4. "target_creator": "admin",
  5. "target_name": "all",
  6. "target_url": "",
  7. "target_graph": "hugegraph",
  8. "target_create": "2020-11-11 15:32:01.192",
  9. "target_resources": [
  10. {
  11. "type": "ALL",
  12. "label": "*",
  13. "properties": null
  14. }
  15. ],
  16. "id": "-77:all",
  17. "target_update": "2020-11-11 15:32:01.192"
  18. },
  19. {
  20. "target_creator": "admin",
  21. "target_name": "grant",
  22. "target_url": "",
  23. "target_graph": "hugegraph",
  24. "target_create": "2020-11-11 15:43:24.841",
  25. "target_resources": [
  26. {
  27. "type": "GRANT",
  28. "label": "*",
  29. "properties": null
  30. }
  31. ],
  32. "id": "-77:grant",
  33. "target_update": "2020-11-11 15:43:24.841"
  34. }
  35. ]
  36. }

10.4.5 查询某个资源

  • id: 需要查询的资源 Id
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/targets/-77:grant
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "target_creator": "admin",
  3. "target_name": "grant",
  4. "target_url": "",
  5. "target_graph": "hugegraph",
  6. "target_create": "2020-11-11 15:43:24.841",
  7. "target_resources": [
  8. {
  9. "type": "GRANT",
  10. "label": "*",
  11. "properties": null
  12. }
  13. ],
  14. "id": "-77:grant",
  15. "target_update": "2020-11-11 15:43:24.841"
  16. }

10.5 关联角色(Belong)API


10.5.1 创建用户的关联角色

  • user: 用户 Id
  • group: 用户组 Id
  • belong_description: 描述
Request Body
  1. {
  2. "user": "-63:boss",
  3. "group": "-69:all"
  4. }
Method & Url
  1. POST http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/belongs
Response Status
  1. 201
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "belong_create": "2020-11-11 16:19:35.422",
  3. "belong_creator": "admin",
  4. "belong_update": "2020-11-11 16:19:35.422",
  5. "id": "S-63:boss>-82>>S-69:all",
  6. "user": "-63:boss",
  7. "group": "-69:all"
  8. }

10.5.2 删除关联角色

  • id: 需要删除的关联角色 Id
Method & Url
  1. DELETE http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/belongs/S-63:boss>-82>>S-69:grant
Response Status
  1. 204
Response Body
  1. 1

10.5.3 修改关联角色

关联角色只能修改描述,不能修改 user 和 group 属性,如果需要修改关联角色,需要删除原来关联关系,新增关联角色。

  • id: 需要修改的关联角色 Id
Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/belongs/S-63:boss>-82>>S-69:grant
Request Body

修改 belong_description

  1. {
  2. "belong_description": "update test"
  3. }
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body


  1. {
  2. "belong_description": "update test",
  3. "belong_create": "2020-11-12 10:40:21.720",
  4. "belong_creator": "admin",
  5. "belong_update": "2020-11-12 10:42:47.265",
  6. "id": "S-63:boss>-82>>S-69:grant",
  7. "user": "-63:boss",
  8. "group": "-69:grant"
  9. }

10.5.4 查询关联角色列表

  • limit: 返回结果条数的上限
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/belongs
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "belongs": [
  3. {
  4. "belong_create": "2020-11-11 16:19:35.422",
  5. "belong_creator": "admin",
  6. "belong_update": "2020-11-11 16:19:35.422",
  7. "id": "S-63:boss>-82>>S-69:all",
  8. "user": "-63:boss",
  9. "group": "-69:all"
  10. }
  11. ]
  12. }

10.5.5 查看某个关联角色

  • id: 需要查询的关联角色 Id
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/belongs/S-63:boss>-82>>S-69:all
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "belong_create": "2020-11-11 16:19:35.422",
  3. "belong_creator": "admin",
  4. "belong_update": "2020-11-11 16:19:35.422",
  5. "id": "S-63:boss>-82>>S-69:all",
  6. "user": "-63:boss",
  7. "group": "-69:all"
  8. }

10.6 赋权(Access)API

给用户组赋予资源的权限,主要包含:读操作 (READ)、写操作 (WRITE)、删除操作 (DELETE)、执行操作 (EXECUTE) 等。

10.6.1 创建赋权 (用户组赋予资源的权限)

  • group: 用户组 Id
  • target: 资源 Id
  • access_permission: 权限许可
  • access_description: 赋权描述


  • READ:读操作,所有的查询,包括查询 Schema、查顶点/边,查询顶点和边的数量 VERTEX_AGGR/EDGE_AGGR,也包括读图的状态 STATUS、变量 VAR、任务 TASK 等;
  • WRITE:写操作,所有的创建、更新操作,包括给 Schema 增加 property key,给顶点增加或更新属性等;
  • DELETE:删除操作,包括删除元数据、删除顶点/边;
  • EXECUTE:执⾏操作,包括执⾏ Gremlin 语句、执⾏ Task、执⾏ metadata 函数;
Request Body
  1. {
  2. "group": "-69:all",
  3. "target": "-77:all",
  4. "access_permission": "READ"
  5. }
Method & Url
  1. POST http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/accesses
Response Status
  1. 201
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "access_permission": "READ",
  3. "access_create": "2020-11-11 15:54:54.008",
  4. "id": "S-69:all>-88>11>S-77:all",
  5. "access_update": "2020-11-11 15:54:54.008",
  6. "access_creator": "admin",
  7. "group": "-69:all",
  8. "target": "-77:all"
  9. }

10.6.2 删除赋权

  • id: 需要删除的赋权 Id
Method & Url
  1. DELETE http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/accesses/S-69:all>-88>12>S-77:all
Response Status
  1. 204
Response Body
  1. 1

10.6.3 修改赋权


  • id: 需要修改的赋权 Id
Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/accesses/S-69:all>-88>12>S-77:all
Request Body

修改 access_description

  1. {
  2. "access_description": "test"
  3. }
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body


  1. {
  2. "access_description": "test",
  3. "access_permission": "WRITE",
  4. "access_create": "2020-11-12 10:12:03.074",
  5. "id": "S-69:all>-88>12>S-77:all",
  6. "access_update": "2020-11-12 10:16:18.637",
  7. "access_creator": "admin",
  8. "group": "-69:all",
  9. "target": "-77:all"
  10. }

10.6.4 查询赋权列表

  • limit: 返回结果条数的上限
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/accesses
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "accesses": [
  3. {
  4. "access_permission": "READ",
  5. "access_create": "2020-11-11 15:54:54.008",
  6. "id": "S-69:all>-88>11>S-77:all",
  7. "access_update": "2020-11-11 15:54:54.008",
  8. "access_creator": "admin",
  9. "group": "-69:all",
  10. "target": "-77:all"
  11. }
  12. ]
  13. }

10.6.5 查询某个赋权

  • id: 需要查询的赋权 Id
Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/auth/accesses/S-69:all>-88>11>S-77:all
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "access_permission": "READ",
  3. "access_create": "2020-11-11 15:54:54.008",
  4. "id": "S-69:all>-88>11>S-77:all",
  5. "access_update": "2020-11-11 15:54:54.008",
  6. "access_creator": "admin",
  7. "group": "-69:all",
  8. "target": "-77:all"
  9. }

Last modified March 27, 2024: fix: a string of enhancement for the website/sec page (#339) (78787132)