Apache HugeGraph Committer 指南
本文档概述了 Apache Committer 推选要求以及流程,对应的 ASF 官方文档可见:https://community.apache.org/newcommitter.html
- 候选人应遵守 Apache Code of Conduct
- PMC 成员将通过搜索邮件列表、issues、PRs、官网文档等方式,了解候选人如何与他人互动,以及他们所做的贡献
- 以下是在评估候选人是否适合成为 Committer 时需要考虑的一些要点:
- 与社区成员合作的能力
- 担任导师的能力
- 社区参与度
- 贡献程度
- 个人技能/能力
讨论 (DISCUSS) → 投票 (VOTE) → 邀请 (INVITE) → 公告 (ANNOUNCE)
1. 发起社区邮件讨论 (DISCUSS)
任何 HugeGraph 的 (P)PMC 成员都可以发起投票讨论,在发现社区贡献者任何有价值的贡献并取得候选人本人同意后,可以在 private@hugegraph.apache.org 发起讨论。 讨论邮件里提议者要把候选人的贡献说清楚,并最好给出确认贡献的 URL 等信息,便于大家讨论分析。
下面是 HugeGraph 对应的邮件模板:(仅供参考)
Note: 后续将使用 xxx 指代候选人名,一般
为一个容易读的名字 (例如Simon Jay
直接作为邮件人名代指 (例如避免simon321
😄)另发送邮件最好选择 “纯文本” 模式,否则排版在 ASF Mail UI 中可能会乱
To: private@hugegraph.apache.org
Subject: [DISCUSS] XXX as a HugeGraph Committer Candidate
Hi all:
I am pleased to nominate xxx for the role of HugeGraph Committer based on his/her contributions over the past few months.
[ Candidate's Contribution Summary ]
Here are the relevant PRs (issues) he/she has participated in:
**Core Features:**
- Feature 1: [ Reference Links ]
- ...
[ Candidate's Current Notable Contributions ]
His/Her contributions bring the following benefits to the community, helping us in the following ways:
[ Candidate's Contributions and Benefits to the Community ]
In view of the above contributions, I elect xxx as Committer of the HugeGraph project.
[ Reference Links ]
1. PR1
2. PR2
3. ...
Welcome everyone to share opinions~
对于讨论邮件中贡献链接,可以使用 GitHub Search 的统计功能,按需输入如下对应关键词查询即可,可以在此基础上添加新的 repo 如 repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph-computer
,特别注意调整时间范围 (下面是一个模板参考,请自行调整参数):
- PR 提交次数
is:pr author:xxx repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph-doc created:>2023-06-01 updated:<2023-12-25
- 代码提交/修改行数
- PR 提交关联 Issue 次数
linked:issue involves:xxx repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph-doc created:>2023-06-01 updated:<2023-12-25
- PR Review 个数
type:pr reviewed-by:xxx repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph-doc created:>2023-06-01 updated:<2023-12-25
- PR Review 行数
- 合并次数
type:pr author:xxx repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph-doc created:>2023-06-01 updated:<2023-12-25
- 有效合并行数
- Issue 提交数
type:issue author:xxx repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph-doc created:>2023-06-01 updated:<2023-12-25
- Issue 修复数
- 在 Issue 提交数的基础上选取状态为 closed 的 Issues
- Issue 参与数
type:issue involves:xxx repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph-doc created:>2023-06-01 updated:<2023-12-25
- 评论 Issue 数
type:issue commenter:xxx repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph-doc created:>2023-06-01 updated:<2023-12-25
- 评论 PR 数
type:pr commenter:xxx repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph repo:apache/incubator-hugegraph-doc created:>2023-06-01 updated:<2023-12-25
Mailing Lists 的参与则可使用 https://lists.apache.org/list?dev@hugegraph.apache.org:lte=10M:xxx 查询。
2. 发起社区邮件投票 (VOTE)
如果讨论邮件在规定时间内没有收到分歧信息,投票发起者需要在 private@hugegraph.apache.org 发起对 Committer 的选举投票。
To: private@hugegraph.apache.org
Subject: [VOTE] xxx as a HugeGraph Committer
Hi all:
Through the discussion of last week:
[ Discussion Mailing List Link ]
We have discussed and listed what xxx participated in the HugeGraph community.
I believe making him/her a Committer will enhance the work for HugeGraph.
So, I am happy to call VOTE to accept xxx as a HugeGraph Committer.
Voting will continue for at least 72 hours or until the required number of votes is reached.
Please vote accordingly:
[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason
然后 (P)PMC 成员回复 +1 或 -1 的邮件回复表达意见,一般来说至少需要 ≥3 票 +1 才能结束投票。
宣布投票结果 (RESULT)
投票邮件结束后,投票发起者需要邮件里提醒投票结束。同时,投票发起者需要发起邮件宣布投票结果,发送至 private@hugegraph.apache.org,邮件模板可参考:
To: private@hugegraph.apache.org
Subject: [RESULTS][VOTE] xxx as a HugeGraph Committer
Hi all: The vote for "xxx" as an HugeGraph Committer has PASSED and closed now.
The result is as follows: X PMC +1 Votes:
- A (PMC ID)
- B
- C...
Vote thread:
put vote thread link here
Then I'm going to invite xxx to join us soon. Thanks for everyone's support!
向候选人发起邮件邀请 (INVITE)
宣布投票结果邮件发出后,投票发起人要给候选人发送邀请邮件。邀请邮件主送候选人,抄送 private@hugegraph.apache.org,被邀请的候选人必须通过指定的邮箱地址回复接受或者拒绝该邀请。
To: [ Candidate's Email ]
Cc: private@hugegraph.apache.org
Subject: Invitation to become HugeGraph committer: xxx
Hello xxx,
The HugeGraph Project Management Committee (PPMC)
hereby offers you committer privileges to the project.
These privileges are offered on the understanding that you'll use them
reasonably and with common sense. We like to work on trust
rather than unnecessary constraints.
Being a committer enables you to more easily make
changes without needing to go through the patch
submission process.
Being a committer does not require you to
participate any more than you already do. It does
tend to make one even more committed. You will
probably find that you spend more time here.
Of course, you can decline and instead remain as a
contributor, participating as you do now.
A. This personal invitation is a chance for you to
accept or decline in private. Either way, please
let us know in reply to the private@hugegraph.apache.org
address only.
B. If you accept, the next step is to register an iCLA:
1. Details of the iCLA and the forms are found
through this link: https://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas
2. Instructions for its completion and return to
the Secretary of the ASF are found at
3. When you transmit the completed iCLA, request
to notify the Apache HugeGraph project and choose a
unique Apache ID. Look to see if your preferred
ID is already taken at
This will allow the Secretary to notify the PMC
when your iCLA has been recorded.
When recording of your iCLA is noted, you will
receive a follow-up message with the next steps for
establishing you as a committer.
With the expectation of your acceptance, welcome!
The Apache HugeGraph(incubating) PPMC
候选人接受邀请 (ACCEPT)
候选人应回复上述邮件 (选择 reply all),表明接受邀请,邮件模板可参考:
To: [ Sender's Email ]
Cc: private@hugegraph.apache.org
Subject: Re: Invitation to become HugeGraph committer: xxx
Hello Apache HugeGraph(incubating) PPMC,
I accept the invitation.
Thanks to the Apache HugeGraph Community for recognizing my work, I
will continue to actively participate in the work of the Apache
Next, I will follow the instructions to complete the next steps:
Signing and submitting iCLA and registering Apache ID.
- 订阅 dev@hugegraph.apache.org,具体步骤/过滤等配置请参考文档
- 签署 ICLA,具体步骤见下↓
ICLA 签署流程
- 下载 ICLA
- 打开 PDF 并填写相关内容,均需要全英文填写,建议使用 PDF 工具编辑并署名
- Full name: 名字在前,姓氏在后
- Public name: 可以不填,默认和
Full name
相同 - 勾选 check this box only if you enter names with your family name first
- Postal Address: 英文地址,从小地方到大地方的顺序来写,需详细到门牌号
- Country: 所在国家英文
- E-mail: 邮箱地址,建议与上述邮件中使用的邮箱相同
- (optional) preferred Apache id(s): 选择一个 Apache committer 页面不存在的 SVN ID
- (optional) notify project:Apache HugeGraph(incubating)
- 签名:务必使用 PDF 工具手写
- Date: 格式 xxxx-xx-xx
- 签署完之后将
- 发送下述邮件,并附件引用
To: secretary@apache.org
Subject: ICLA Information
Hello everyone:
I have accepted the Apache HugeGraph(incubating) PPMC invitation to
become a HugeGraph committer, the attachment is my ICLA information.
(Optional) My GitHub account is https://github.com/xxx. Thanks!
PMC 成员将等待 Apache secretary
团队确认 ICLA
备案,候选人和 PMC 成员将收到以下电子邮件:
Dear xxx,
This message acknowledges receipt of your ICLA, which has been filed in the Apache Software Foundation records.
Your account (with id xxx) has been requested for you and you should receive email with next steps
within the next few days (this process can take up to a week).
Please refer to https://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html#developers
for more information about roles at Apache.
设置 Apache 账号和开发环境 (CONFIG)
备案完成后,候选人将收到来自 root@apache.org 主题为 Welcome to the Apache Software Foundation
的邮件,此时需按照邮件中的步骤设置 Apache 账号和开发环境:
- 重置密码 https://id.apache.org/reset/enter
- 配置个人信息 https://whimsy.apache.org/roster/committer/xxx
- 关联 GitHub 账号 https://gitbox.apache.org/boxer
- 这一步需要配置 GitHub 双重身份验证 (2FA)
- 负责提名的 PMC 成员需通过 Roster 页面,将新的 Committer 添加到官方提交者列表中 (重要, 否则仓库权限不生效)
- 在这一步后,候选人即新的 Committer 才拥有对 GitHub HugeGraph 仓库的写权限
- (可选) 新的 Committer 可以使用 Apache 账号申请免费使用 Jetbrains 的全系列产品
发布公告邮件 (ANNOUNCE)
当候选人完成上述步骤后,候选人将正式成为 HugeGraph 的 Committer,此时需要向 dev@hugegraph.apache.org 发送公告邮件,邮件模板可参考:
To: dev@hugegraph.apache.org
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] New Committer: xxx
Hi everyone, The PPMC for Apache HugeGraph(incubating) has invited xxx to
become a Committer and we are pleased to announce that he/she has accepted.
xxx is being active in the HugeGraph community & dedicated to ... modules,
and we are glad to see his/her more interactions with the community in the future.
(Optional) His/Her GitHub account is https://github.com/xxx
Welcome xxx, and please enjoy your community journey~
The Apache HugeGraph PPMC
- https://community.apache.org/newcommitter.html (ASF 官方文档)
- https://infra.apache.org/new-committers-guide.html
- https://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html#newcommitter
- https://linkis.apache.org/zh-CN/community/how-to-vote-a-committer-pmc
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/contributor-agreements.html#submitting
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/cla-faq.html#printer
- https://linkis.apache.org/zh-CN/community/how-to-sign-apache-icla
- https://github.com/apache/hugegraph/issues/1732 (HugeGraph ICLA related issue)
Last modified March 25, 2024: chore: disable ai mvn building (#334) (3bf6270b)