Manage Flows

Each flow is a continuous aggregation query in GreptimeDB. It continuously updates the aggregated data based on the incoming data. This document describes how to create, update, and delete a flow.

Create or update a flow

The grammar to create a flow is:

  1. CREATE FLOW [ IF NOT EXISTS ] <flow-name>
  2. SINK TO <sink-table-name>
  3. [ EXPIRE AFTER <expr> ]
  4. [ COMMENT = "<string>" ]
  5. AS
  6. <SQL>;
  • flow-name is an unique identifier in the catalog level.
  • sink-table-name is the table name where the materialized aggregated data is stored. It can be an existing table or a new one. flow will create the sink table if it doesn’t exist.
  • EXPIRE AFTER is an optional interval to expire the data from the Flow engine. For more details, please refer to the EXPIRE AFTER part.
  • COMMENT is the description of the flow.
  • SQL part defines the continuous aggregation query. It defines the source tables provide data for the flow. Each flow can have multiple source tables. Please Refer to Write a Query for the details.

A simple example to create a flow:

  2. SINK TO my_sink_table
  4. COMMENT = "My first flow in GreptimeDB"
  5. AS
  6. SELECT count(item) from my_source_table GROUP BY tumble(time_index, INTERVAL '5 minutes', '2024-05-20 00:00:00');

The created flow will compute count(item) for every 5 minutes and store the result in my_sink_table. All data comes within 1 hour will be used in the flow. For the tumble() function, refer to define time window part.


The Flow engine operates with two concepts of time: data timestamp and processing time.

The data timestamp is the time stored in the time index column of the source table, while the processing time refers to the moment when the Flow engine executes the aggregation operation.

The EXPIRE AFTER clause specifies the interval after which the data will expire. Any data with a timestamp older than the processing time minus the interval time will be expired.

For example, if the Flow engine processes the aggregation operation at 10:00:00 and the INTERVAL '1 hour' is set, any data older than 1 hour from the processing time (data before 09:00:00) will be expired. Only data timestamped from 09:00:00 onwards will be used in the aggregation.

The EXPIRE operation only expire data from the Flow engine, it does not affect the data in the source table.

Delete a flow

To delete a flow, use the following DROP FLOW clause:

  1. DROP FLOW [IF EXISTS] <name>

For example:

  1. DROP FLOW IF EXISTS my_flow;