The COLUMNS provides detailed information about columns in tables.


The output is as follows:

  1. +--------------------------+--------+------+------+---------+---------------+
  2. | Column | Type | Key | Null | Default | Semantic Type |
  3. +--------------------------+--------+------+------+---------+---------------+
  4. | table_catalog | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  5. | table_schema | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  6. | table_name | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  7. | column_name | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  8. | ordinal_position | Int64 | | NO | | FIELD |
  9. | character_maximum_length | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
  10. | character_octet_length | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
  11. | numeric_precision | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
  12. | numeric_scale | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
  13. | datetime_precision | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
  14. | character_set_name | String | | YES | | FIELD |
  15. | collation_name | String | | YES | | FIELD |
  16. | column_key | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  17. | extra | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  18. | privileges | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  19. | generation_expression | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  20. | greptime_data_type | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  21. | data_type | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  22. | semantic_type | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  23. | column_default | String | | YES | | FIELD |
  24. | is_nullable | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  25. | column_type | String | | NO | | FIELD |
  26. | column_comment | String | | YES | | FIELD |
  27. | srs_id | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
  28. +--------------------------+--------+------+------+---------+---------------+
  29. 24 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Create a table public.t1 and query the information in the COLUMNS table:

  2. SELECT * FROM COLUMNS WHERE table_schema='public' AND TABLE_NAME='t1'\G

The output is as follows:

  1. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  2. table_catalog: greptime
  3. table_schema: public
  4. table_name: t1
  5. column_name: h
  6. ordinal_position: 1
  7. character_maximum_length: 2147483647
  8. character_octet_length: 2147483647
  9. numeric_precision: NULL
  10. numeric_scale: NULL
  11. datetime_precision: NULL
  12. character_set_name: utf8
  13. collation_name: utf8_bin
  14. column_key: PRI
  15. extra:
  16. privileges: select,insert
  17. generation_expression:
  18. greptime_data_type: String
  19. data_type: string
  20. semantic_type: TAG
  21. column_default: NULL
  22. is_nullable: Yes
  23. column_type: string
  24. column_comment: NULL
  25. srs_id: NULL
  26. *************************** 2. row ***************************
  27. table_catalog: greptime
  28. table_schema: public
  29. table_name: t1
  30. column_name: v
  31. ordinal_position: 2
  32. character_maximum_length: NULL
  33. character_octet_length: NULL
  34. numeric_precision: 22
  35. numeric_scale: NULL
  36. datetime_precision: NULL
  37. character_set_name: NULL
  38. collation_name: NULL
  39. column_key:
  40. extra:
  41. privileges: select,insert
  42. generation_expression:
  43. greptime_data_type: Float64
  44. data_type: double
  45. semantic_type: FIELD
  46. column_default: NULL
  47. is_nullable: Yes
  48. column_type: double
  49. column_comment: NULL
  50. srs_id: NULL
  51. *************************** 3. row ***************************
  52. table_catalog: greptime
  53. table_schema: public
  54. table_name: t1
  55. column_name: ts
  56. ordinal_position: 3
  57. character_maximum_length: NULL
  58. character_octet_length: NULL
  59. numeric_precision: NULL
  60. numeric_scale: NULL
  61. datetime_precision: 3
  62. character_set_name: NULL
  63. collation_name: NULL
  64. column_key: TIME INDEX
  65. extra:
  66. privileges: select,insert
  67. generation_expression:
  68. greptime_data_type: TimestampMillisecond
  69. data_type: timestamp(3)
  70. semantic_type: TIMESTAMP
  71. column_default: current_timestamp()
  72. is_nullable: No
  73. column_type: timestamp(3)
  74. column_comment: NULL
  75. srs_id: NULL
  76. 3 rows in set (0.03 sec)

The description of columns in the COLUMNS table is as follows:

  • table_catalog: The name of the catalog to which the table with the column belongs. The value is always greptime in OSS project.
  • table_schema: The name of the database in which the table with the column is located.
  • table_name: The name of the table with the column.
  • column_name: The name of the column.
  • ordinal_position: The position of the column in the table.
  • character_maximum_length: For string columns, the maximum length in characters.
  • character_octet_length: For string columns, the maximum length in bytes.
  • numeric_precision: The precision of the column for numeric data types.
  • numeric_scale: The scale of the column for numeric data types.
  • datetime_precision: The fractional seconds precision of the column for datetime data types.
  • character_set_name: The name of the character set of a string column.
  • collation_name: The name of the collation of a string column.
  • column_key: The key type of the column. It can be one of the following: PRI, TIME INDEX, or an empty string.
  • extra: Additional information about the column.
  • privileges: The privilege that the current user has on this column.
  • generation_expression: For generated columns, this value displays the expression used to calculate the column value. For non-generated columns, the value is empty.
  • greptime_data_type: The GreptimeDB data type of the column.
  • data_type: The type of data in the column.
  • semantic_type: The type of the column. It can be one of the following: TAG, FIELD, or TIMESTAMP.
  • column_default: The default value of the column. If the explicit default value is NULL, or if the column definition does not include the default clause, this value is NULL.
  • is_nullable: Whether the column is nullable. If the column can store null values, this value is YES; otherwise, it is NO.
  • column_type: The data type of the column. It is the same as the DATA_TYPE column.
  • column_comment: Comments contained in the column definition.
  • srs_id: The ID of the spatial reference system (SRS) of the column.

The corresponding SHOW statement is as follows:

  1. SHOW COLUMNS FROM t1 FROM public;

The output is as follows:

  1. +-------+--------------+------+------------+---------------------+-------+----------------------+
  2. | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Greptime_type |
  3. +-------+--------------+------+------------+---------------------+-------+----------------------+
  4. | h | string | Yes | PRI | NULL | | String |
  5. | ts | timestamp(3) | No | TIME INDEX | current_timestamp() | | TimestampMillisecond |
  6. | v | double | Yes | | NULL | | Float64 |
  7. +-------+--------------+------+------------+---------------------+-------+----------------------+
  8. 3 rows in set (0.01 sec)