Troubleshooting reset

Each MachineInventory with the "true" annotation will trigger the execution of a reset plan, upon deletion.
The finalizer is going to be removed only after the plan has been executed successfully by the elemental-system-agent running on the machine.

You can investigate why a MachineInventory has not been deleted yet, by examining it:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: MachineInventory
  3. metadata:
  4. # deletionTimestamp has been set. This object has been marked for deletion.
  5. deletionTimestamp: "2023-08-04T08:41:25Z"
  6. annotations:
  7. # `resettable` annotation is enabled.
  8. # This means the machine has to go through reset, before deletion of this object.
  9. "true"
  10. # `` finalizer is set.
  11. # The `elemental-operator` is going to create a reset plan for the machine to execute.
  12. # After successful execution of the reset plan, the finalizer is removed and the object will be deleted.
  13. finalizers:
  14. -
  15. status:
  16. conditions:
  17. # Most recent condition shows that the MachineInventory is waiting for a plan to be applied.
  18. - lastTransitionTime: "2023-08-04T08:41:25Z"
  19. message: waiting for plan to be applied
  20. reason: WaitingForPlan
  21. status: "False"
  22. type: Ready
  23. # The plan to be executed is referenced.
  24. # Normally it has the same name of the MachineInventory and lives within the same namespace.
  25. plan:
  26. checksum: 5aba8b6b3161bc52d8953b2428e54ecda3b59e8e0043b49d761d1e79174eded6
  27. secretRef:
  28. name: m-bf1008a1-61d6-4355-b5f5-f7d1c527affe
  29. namespace: fleet-default

You can also examine the referenced plan Secret.
Note that the elemental-system-agent running on the machine is watching this secret and it should execute the plan.
You can also monitor its progress from the machine logs: journalctl -u elemental-system-agent -f.

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Secret
  3. # This is a `` secret plan.
  4. type:
  5. metadata:
  6. annotations:
  7. # This is a `reset` plan type.
  8. reset
  9. labels:
  10. "true"
  11. name: m-bf1008a1-61d6-4355-b5f5-f7d1c527affe
  12. namespace: fleet-default
  13. # It is owned by the `MachineInventory` waiting for deletion.
  14. ownerReferences:
  15. - apiVersion:
  16. controller: true
  17. kind: MachineInventory
  18. name: m-bf1008a1-61d6-4355-b5f5-f7d1c527affe
  19. uid: 5aa3863c-63a5-4cb9-91fd-7a45191d4842
  20. data:
  21. # The plan has not been applied yet.
  22. applied-checksum: ""
  23. # It also hasn't failed.
  24. failed-checksum: ""
  25. # The actual plan to be executed, base64 encoded.
  26. plan: 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

The plan created by the elemental-operator should contain the following instructions:

  1. {
  2. "files": [
  3. // A cloud-init config file is created on the default /oem directory.
  4. // This config will be executed once in recovery mode.
  5. {
  6. "content": "bmFtZTogRWxlbWVudGFsIFJlc2V0CnN0YWdlczoKICAgIG5ldHdvcmsuYWZ0ZXI6CiAgICAgICAgLSBjb21tYW5kczoKICAgICAgICAgICAgLSBlbGVtZW50YWwtcmVnaXN0ZXIgLS1kZWJ1ZyAtLXJlc2V0CiAgICAgICAgICBpZjogJ1sgLWYgL3J1bi9jb3MvcmVjb3ZlcnlfbW9kZSBdJwogICAgICAgICAgbmFtZTogUnVucyBlbGVtZW50YWwgcmVzZXQK",
  7. "path": "/oem/reset-cloud-config.yaml",
  8. "permissions": "0600"
  9. }
  10. ],
  11. "instructions": [
  12. {
  13. "name": "configure next boot to recovery mode",
  14. "args": [
  15. "/oem/grubenv",
  16. "set",
  17. "next_entry=recovery"
  18. ],
  19. "command": "grub2-editenv"
  20. },
  21. {
  22. "name": "schedule reboot",
  23. "args": [
  24. "-r",
  25. "+1"
  26. ],
  27. "command": "shutdown"
  28. }
  29. ]
  30. }

If the elemental-system-agent successfully executed the plan, the finalizer on the MachineInventory will be removed and the MachineInventory will be deleted.
Note that this is not an indication that the machine has been fully reset yet.
This is a limitation of the current implementation and it will eventually improve, so that it will be possible to completely track the reset status.

However, at this stage we do expect the host to undergo reboot, and reboot in recovery mode.
Once in recovery mode, the cos-setup-network should execute the cloud-init config that has been written on /oem/reset-cloud-config.yaml.
You can monitor the status with journalctl -u cos-setup-network -f.

The cloud-init instructions should look like the following:

  1. name: Elemental Reset
  2. stages:
  3. network.after:
  4. - if: '[ -f /run/cos/recovery_mode ]'
  5. name: Runs elemental reset
  6. commands:
  7. - systemctl start elemental-register-reset

The elemental-register cli will register with the elemental-operator as a new machine. This will lead to the creation of a new MachineInventory object.
The remote MachineRegistration configuration will also be fetched to apply the reset options, for example reset-persistent, reset-oem, or the power settings, either reboot or power-off.
After reset, depending on the settings, the machine should either shut down or reboot and be ready to be adopted within a new cluster.

Forcefully deleting a MachineInventory undergoing reset

If the machine is unable to execute the reset instructions and the related MachineInventory is not deleted, there are two equivalent ways you can manually fix the issue.

  • Remove the "true" annotation from the MachineInventory.
  • Remove the finalizer from the MachineInventory.

Remember to also take care of the machine itself, by fully reprovisioning it or rebooting into recovery mode and using the elemental reset command directly.