
Follow this guide to restore an Elemental configuration from a backup with Rancher.

Prepare rancher-backup operator and backup files for restoring

Go to official Rancher documentation and make sure that rancher-backup operator is installed and has access to backup files.

You first have to follow this documentation to do a backup of Elemental resources.

Restore the Elemental configuration with rancher-backup operator

Create a restore object (adapted to your needs) to restore the backup tarball.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Restore
  3. metadata:
  4. name: elemental-restore
  5. spec:
  6. backupFilename: rancher-backup-430169aa-edde-4a61-85e8-858f625a755b-2022-10-17T05-15-00Z.tar.gz

Apply manifest on Kubernetes.

  1. kubectl apply -f elemental-restore.yaml

Check logs from rancher-backup operator.

  1. kubectl logs -n cattle-resources-system -l -f

Verify if backup file was restore successfully.

  1. ...
  2. INFO[2022/10/31 06:34:50] Processing controllerRef apps/v1/deployments/rancher
  3. INFO[2022/10/31 06:34:50] Done restoring
  4. ...

Continue with procedure from Rancher documentation