Elemental Operator Helm Chart
The Elemental Operator is responsible for managing the Elemental versions and maintaining a machine inventory to assist with edge or bare metal installations.
The associated chart bootstraps an elemental-operator deployment on the Rancher Manager v2.6 cluster using the Helm package manager.
- Rancher Manager version v2.6
- Helm client version v3.8.0+
Get Helm chart info
helm pull oci://registry.suse.com/rancher/elemental-operator-chart
helm show all oci://registry.suse.com/rancher/elemental-operator-chart
Install Chart
helm install --create-namespace -n cattle-elemental-system elemental-operator-crds \
helm install --create-namespace -n cattle-elemental-system elemental-operator \
The command deploys elemental-operator on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration.
See configuration below.
See helm install for command documentation.
Uninstall Chart
helm uninstall -n cattle-elemental-system elemental-operator
This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
See helm uninstall for command documentation.
Upgrading Chart
helm upgrade -n cattle-elemental-system \
--install elemental-operator \
See helm upgrade for command documentation.
See Customizing the Chart Before Installing. To see all configurable options with detailed comments, visit the chart’s values, or run these configuration commands:
helm show values oci://registry.suse.com/rancher/elemental-operator-chart
Key | Type | Default | Description |
image.empty | string | rancher/pause:3.1 | |
image.repository | string | registry.suse.com/rancher/elemental-operator-chart | Source image for elemental-operator with repository name |
image.tag | tag | “” | |
image.imagePullPolicy | string | IfNotPresent | |
noProxy | string | `,,,,.svc,.cluster.local” | Comma separated list of domains or ip addresses that will not use the proxy |
global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry | string | “” | Default container registry name |
sync_interval | string | “60m” | Default sync interval for upgrade channel |
sync_namespaces | list | [] | Namespace the operator will watch for, leave empty for all |
debug | bool | false | Enable debug output for operator |
nodeSelector.kubernetes.io/os | string | linux | |
tolerations | object | {} | |
tolerations.key | string | cattle.io/os | |
tolerations.operator | string | “Equal” | |
tolerations.value | string | “linux” | |
tolerations.effect | string | NoSchedule |