


Since 2.1.1, this syntax is deprecated.


This statement is used to view the Profile information of the import operation. This function requires the user to open the Profile settings. The versions before 0.15 perform the following settings:

  1. SET is_report_success=true;

Versions 0.15 and later perform the following settings:

  1. SET [GLOBAL] enable_profile=true;


  1. show load profile "/";
  2. show load profile "/[queryId]"
  3. show load profile "/[queryId]/[TaskId]"
  4. show load profile "/[queryId]/[TaskId]/[FragmentId]/"
  5. show load profile "/[queryId]/[TaskId]/[FragmentId]/[InstanceId]"

This command will list all currently saved import profiles. Each line corresponds to one import. where the QueryId column is the ID of the import job. This ID can also be viewed through the SHOW LOAD statement. We can select the QueryId corresponding to the Profile we want to see to see the specific situation


  1. List all Load Profiles

    1. mysql> show load profile "/"\G
    2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
    3. JobId: 20010
    4. QueryId: 980014623046410a-af5d36f23381017f
    5. User: root
    6. DefaultDb: default_cluster:test
    7. SQL: LOAD LABEL xxx
    8. QueryType: Load
    9. StartTime: 2023-03-07 19:48:24
    10. EndTime: 2023-03-07 19:50:45
    11. TotalTime: 2m21s
    12. QueryState: N/A
    13. TraceId:
    14. AnalysisTime: NULL
    15. PlanTime: NULL
    16. ScheduleTime: NULL
    17. FetchResultTime: NULL
    18. WriteResultTime: NULL
    19. WaitAndFetchResultTime: NULL
    20. *************************** 2. row ***************************
    21. JobId: N/A
    22. QueryId: 7cc2d0282a7a4391-8dd75030185134d8
    23. User: root
    24. DefaultDb: default_cluster:test
    25. SQL: insert into xxx
    26. QueryType: Load
    27. StartTime: 2023-03-07 19:49:15
    28. EndTime: 2023-03-07 19:49:15
    29. TotalTime: 102ms
    30. QueryState: OK
    31. TraceId:
    32. AnalysisTime: 825.277us
    33. PlanTime: 4.126ms
    34. ScheduleTime: N/A
    35. FetchResultTime: 0ns
    36. WriteResultTime: 0ns
    37. WaitAndFetchResultTime: N/A
  2. View an overview of the subtasks with imported jobs:

    1. mysql> show load profile "/980014623046410a-af5d36f23381017f";
    2. +-----------------------------------+------------+
    3. | TaskId | ActiveTime |
    4. +-----------------------------------+------------+
    5. | 980014623046410a-af5d36f23381017f | 3m14s |
    6. +-----------------------------------+------------+
  3. View the plan tree of the specified subtask

    1. show load profile "/980014623046410a-af5d36f23381017f/980014623046410a-af5d36f23381017f";
    2. ┌───────────────────────┐
    3. │[-1: OlapTableSink]
    4. Fragment: 0
    5. MaxActiveTime: 86.541ms
    6. └───────────────────────┘
    7. ┌───────────────────┐
    8. │[1: VEXCHANGE_NODE]│
    9. Fragment: 0
    10. └───────────────────┘
    11. ┌─────────────────────────┴───────┐
    12. ┌─────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐
    13. │[MemoryUsage]│ │[1: VDataStreamSender]
    14. Fragment: 0 Fragment: 1
    15. └─────────────┘ MaxActiveTime: 34.882ms
    16. └───────────────────────┘
    17. ┌───────────────────────────┐
    18. │[0: VNewOlapScanNode(tbl1)]│
    19. Fragment: 1
    20. └───────────────────────────┘
    21. ┌─────────────────┴───────┐
    22. ┌─────────────┐ ┌───────────┐
    23. │[MemoryUsage]│ │[VScanner]
    24. Fragment: 1 Fragment: 1
    25. └─────────────┘ └───────────┘
    26. ┌───────┴─────────┐
    27. ┌─────────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐
    28. │[SegmentIterator]│ │[MemoryUsage]│
    29. Fragment: 1 Fragment: 1
    30. └─────────────────┘ └─────────────┘
    31. ```sql
    32. This will show the plan tree and fragment id on it
  4. View the Instance overview of the specified subtask

    1. mysql> show load profile "/980014623046410a-af5d36f23381017f/980014623046410a-af5d36f23381017f/1"\G
    2. +-----------------------------------+------------------+------------+
    3. | Instances | Host | ActiveTime |
    4. +-----------------------------------+------------------+------------+
    5. | 980014623046410a-88e260f0c43031f2 | | 3m7s |
    6. | 980014623046410a-88e260f0c43031f3 | | 3m6s |
    7. | 980014623046410a-88e260f0c43031f4 | | 3m10s |
    8. | 980014623046410a-88e260f0c43031f5 | | 3m14s |
    9. +-----------------------------------+------------------+------------+
  5. Continue to view the detailed Profile of each operator on a specific Instance

    1. mysql> show load profile "/980014623046410a-af5d36f23381017f/980014623046410a-af5d36f23381017f/1/980014623046410a-88e260f0c43031f5"\G
    2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
    3. Instance:
    4. ┌-----------------------------------------┐
    5. │[-1: OlapTableSink]
    6. │(Active: 2m17s, non-child: 70.91)
    7. - Counters:
    8. - CloseWaitTime: 1m53s
    9. - ConvertBatchTime: 0ns
    10. - MaxAddBatchExecTime: 1m46s
    11. - NonBlockingSendTime: 3m11s
    12. - NumberBatchAdded: 782
    13. - NumberNodeChannels: 1
    14. - OpenTime: 743.822us
    15. - RowsFiltered: 0
    16. - RowsRead: 1.599729M (1599729)
    17. - RowsReturned: 1.599729M (1599729)│
    18. - SendDataTime: 11s761ms
    19. - TotalAddBatchExecTime: 1m46s
    20. - ValidateDataTime: 9s802ms
    21. └-----------------------------------------┘
    22. ┌-----------------------------------------------------┐
    23. │[0: BROKER_SCAN_NODE]
    24. │(Active: 56s537ms, non-child: 29.06)
    25. - Counters:
    26. - BytesDecompressed: 0.00
    27. - BytesRead: 5.77 GB
    28. - DecompressTime: 0ns
    29. - FileReadTime: 34s263ms
    30. - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 45s54ms
    31. - NumDiskAccess: 0
    32. - PeakMemoryUsage: 33.03 MB
    33. - RowsRead: 1.599729M (1599729)
    34. - RowsReturned: 1.599729M (1599729)
    35. - RowsReturnedRate: 28.295K sec
    36. - TotalRawReadTime(*): 1m20s
    37. - TotalReadThroughput: 30.39858627319336 MB/sec
    38. - WaitScannerTime: 56s528ms
    39. └-----------------------------------------------------┘



Best Practice