



Query table function (table-valued-function, tvf) can be used to transparently transmit query statements directly to a catalog for data query

QUERY - 图1note

Supported by Doris version 2.1.3, currently only transparent query jdbc catalog is supported. You need to create the corresponding catalog in Doris first.


  1. query(
  2. "catalog" = "catalog_name",
  3. "query" = "select * from db_name.table_name where condition"
  4. );

Parameter Description

Each parameter in the query table function tvf is a "key"="value" pair. Related parameters:

  • catalog: (required) catalog name, which needs to be filled in according to the name of the catalog.
  • query: (required) The query statement to be executed.


Use the query function to query tables in the jdbc data source

  1. select * from query("catalog" = "jdbc", "query" = "select * from db_name.table_name where condition");

Can be used with desc function

  1. desc function query("catalog" = "jdbc", "query" = "select * from db_name.table_name where condition");


  1. query, table-valued-function, tvf

Best Prac

Transparent query for tables in jdbc catalog data source

  1. select * from query("catalog" = "jdbc", "query" = "select * from test.student");
  2. +------+---------+
  3. | id | name |
  4. +------+---------+
  5. | 1 | alice |
  6. | 2 | bob |
  7. | 3 | jack |
  8. +------+---------+
  9. select * from query("catalog" = "jdbc", "query" = "select * from test.score");
  10. +------+---------+
  11. | id | score |
  12. +------+---------+
  13. | 1 | 100 |
  14. | 2 | 90 |
  15. | 3 | 80 |
  16. +------+---------+

Transparent join query for tables in jdbc catalog data source

  1. select * from query("catalog" = "jdbc", "query" = "select a.id, a.name, b.score from test.student a join test.score b on a.id = b.id");
  2. +------+---------+---------+
  3. | id | name | score |
  4. +------+---------+---------+
  5. | 1 | alice | 100 |
  6. | 2 | bob | 90 |
  7. | 3 | jack | 80 |
  8. +------+---------+---------+