



iceberg_meta table-valued-function(tvf), Use for read iceberg metadata, operation history, snapshots of table, file metadata etc.


  1. iceberg_meta(
  2. "table" = "ctl.db.tbl",
  3. "query_type" = "snapshots"
  4. ...
  5. );

parameter description

Each parameter in iceberg_meta tvf is a pair of "key"="value".

Related parameters:

  • table: (required) Use iceberg table name the format catlog.database.table.
  • query_type: (required) The type of iceberg metadata. Only snapshots is currently supported.


Read and access the iceberg tabular metadata for snapshots.

  1. select * from iceberg_meta("table" = "ctl.db.tbl", "query_type" = "snapshots");

Can be used with desc function :

  1. desc function iceberg_meta("table" = "ctl.db.tbl", "query_type" = "snapshots");


  1. iceberg_meta, table-valued-function, tvf

Best Prac

Inspect the iceberg table snapshots :

  1. select * from iceberg_meta("table" = "iceberg_ctl.test_db.test_tbl", "query_type" = "snapshots");
  2. +------------------------+----------------+---------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------+
  3. | committed_at | snapshot_id | parent_id | operation | manifest_list | summary |
  4. +------------------------+----------------+---------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------+
  5. | 2022-09-20 11:14:29 | 64123452344 | -1 | append | hdfs:/path/to/m1 | {"flink.job-id":"xxm1", ...} |
  6. | 2022-09-21 10:36:35 | 98865735822 | 64123452344 | overwrite | hdfs:/path/to/m2 | {"flink.job-id":"xxm2", ...} |
  7. | 2022-09-21 21:44:11 | 51232845315 | 98865735822 | overwrite | hdfs:/path/to/m3 | {"flink.job-id":"xxm3", ...} |
  8. +------------------------+----------------+---------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------+

Filtered by snapshot_id :

  1. select * from iceberg_meta("table" = "iceberg_ctl.test_db.test_tbl", "query_type" = "snapshots")
  2. where snapshot_id = 98865735822;
  3. +------------------------+----------------+---------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------+
  4. | committed_at | snapshot_id | parent_id | operation | manifest_list | summary |
  5. +------------------------+----------------+---------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------+
  6. | 2022-09-21 10:36:35 | 98865735822 | 64123452344 | overwrite | hdfs:/path/to/m2 | {"flink.job-id":"xxm2", ...} |
  7. +------------------------+----------------+---------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------+