
A fun declaration inside a lib binds to a C function.

  1. lib C
  2. # In C: double cos(double x)
  3. fun cos(value : Float64) : Float64
  4. end

Once you bind it, the function is available inside the C type as if it was a class method:

  1. C.cos(1.5) # => 0.0707372

You can omit the parentheses if the function doesn’t have parameters (and omit them in the call as well):

  1. lib C
  2. fun getch : Int32
  3. end
  4. C.getch

If the return type is void you can omit it:

  1. lib C
  2. fun srand(seed : UInt32)
  3. end
  4. C.srand(1_u32)

You can bind to variadic functions:

  1. lib X
  2. fun variadic(value : Int32, ...) : Int32
  3. end
  4. X.variadic(1, 2, 3, 4)

Note that there are no implicit conversions (except to_unsafe, which is explained later) when invoking a C function: you must pass the exact type that is expected. For integers and floats you can use the various to_... methods.

Function names

Function names in a lib definition can start with an upper case letter. That’s different from methods and function definitions outside a lib, which must start with a lower case letter.

Function names in Crystal can be different from the C name. The following example shows how to bind the C function name SDL_Init as LibSDL.init in Crystal.

  1. lib LibSDL
  2. fun init = SDL_Init(flags : UInt32) : Int32
  3. end

The C name can be put in quotes to be able to write a name that is not a valid identifier:

  1. lib LLVMIntrinsics
  2. fun ceil_f32 = "llvm.ceil.f32"(value : Float32) : Float32
  3. end

This can also be used to give shorter, nicer names to C functions, as these tend to be long and are usually prefixed with the library name.

Types in C Bindings

The valid types to use in C bindings are:

  • Primitive types (Int8, …, Int64, UInt8, …, UInt64, Float32, Float64)
  • Pointer types (Pointer(Int32), which can also be written as Int32*)
  • Static arrays (StaticArray(Int32, 8), which can also be written as Int32[8])
  • Function types (Proc(Int32, Int32), which can also be written as Int32 -> Int32)
  • Other struct, union, enum, type or alias declared previously.
  • Void: the absence of a return value.
  • NoReturn: similar to Void, but the compiler understands that no code can be executed after that invocation.
  • Crystal structs marked with the @[Extern] annotation

Refer to the type grammar for the notation used in fun types.

The standard library defines the LibC lib with aliases for common C types, like int, short, size_t. Use them in bindings like this:

  1. lib MyLib
  2. fun my_fun(some_size : LibC::SizeT)
  3. end


The C char type is UInt8 in Crystal, so a char* or a const char* is UInt8*. The Char type in Crystal is a unicode codepoint so it is represented by four bytes, making it similar to an Int32, not to an UInt8. There’s also the alias LibC::Char if in doubt.