Get started with Calico network policy

Big picture

Enforce which network traffic that is allowed or denied using rules in Calico network policy.


Extends Kubernetes network policy

Calico network policy provides a richer set of policy capabilities than Kubernetes including: policy ordering/priority, deny rules, and more flexible match rules. While Kubernetes network policy applies only to pods, Calico network policy can be applied to multiple types of endpoints including pods, VMs, and host interfaces. Finally, when used with Istio service mesh, Calico network policy supports securing applications layers 5-7 match criteria, and cryptographic identity.

Write once, works everywhere

No matter which cloud provider you use now, adopting Calico network policy means you write the policy once and it is portable. If you move to a different cloud provider, you don’t need to rewrite your Calico network policy. Calico network policy is a key feature to avoid cloud provider lock-in.

Works seamlessly with Kubernetes network policies

You can use Calico network policy in addition to Kubernetes network policy, or exclusively. For example, you could allow developers to define Kubernetes network policy for their microservices. For broader and higher-level access controls that developers cannot override, you could allow only security or Ops teams to define Calico network policies.



Calico network policies apply to endpoints. In Kubernetes, each pod is a Calico endpoint. However, Calico can support other kinds of endpoints. There are two types of Calico endpoints: workload endpoints (such as a Kubernetes pod or OpenStack VM) and host endpoints (an interface or group of interfaces on a host).

Namespaced and global network policies

Calico network policy is a namespaced resource that applies to pods/containers/VMs in that namespace.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: NetworkPolicy
  3. metadata:
  4. name: allow-tcp-6379
  5. namespace: production

Calico global network policy is a non-namespaced resource and can be applied to any kind of endpoint (pods, VMs, host interfaces) independent of namespace.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy
  3. metadata:
  4. name: allow-tcp-port-6379

Because global network policies use kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy, they are grouped separately from kind: NetworkPolicy. For example, global network policies will not be returned from calicoctl get networkpolicy, and are rather returned from calicoctl get globalnetworkpolicy.

kubectl vs calicoctl

Calico network policies and Calico global network policies are applied using calicoctl. Syntax is similar to Kubernetes, but there a few differences. For help, see calicoctl user reference.

Ingress and egress

Each network policy rule applies to either ingress or egress traffic. From the point of view of an endpoint (pod, VM, host interface), ingress is incoming traffic to the endpoint, and egress is outgoing traffic from the endpoint. In a Calico network policy, you create ingress and egress rules independently (egress, ingress, or both).

You can specify whether policy applies to ingress, egress, or both using the types field. If you do not use the types field, Calico defaults to the following values.

Ingress rule present?Egress rule present?Value
YesYesIngress, Egress

Network traffic behaviors: deny and allow

The Kubernetes network policy specification defines the following behavior:

  • If no network policies apply to a pod, then all traffic to/from that pod is allowed.
  • If one or more network policies apply to a pod containing ingress rules, then only the ingress traffic specifically allowed by those policies is allowed.
  • If one or more network policies apply to a pod containing egress rules, then only the egress traffic specifically allowed by those policies is allowed.

For compatibility with Kubernetes, Calico network policy follows the same behavior for Kubernetes pods. For other endpoint types (VMs, host interfaces), Calico network policy is default deny. That is, only traffic specifically allowed by network policy is allowed, even if no network policies apply to the endpoint.

Before you begin

calicoctl must be installed and configured before use. calicoctl will use etcd as the datastore by default, but many Calico installation manifests configure Kubernetes as the datastore. You can find more information on how to configure calicoctl in the following link:

How to

Control traffic to/from endpoints in a namespace

In the following example, ingress traffic to endpoints in the namespace: production with label color: red is allowed, only if it comes from a pod in the same namespace with color: blue, on port 6379.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: NetworkPolicy
  3. metadata:
  4. name: allow-tcp-6379
  5. namespace: production
  6. spec:
  7. selector: color == 'red'
  8. ingress:
  9. - action: Allow
  10. protocol: TCP
  11. source:
  12. selector: color == 'blue'
  13. destination:
  14. ports:
  15. - 6379

To allow ingress traffic from endpoints in other namespaces, use a namespaceSelector in the policy rule. A namespaceSelector matches namespaces based on the labels that are applied in the namespace. In the following example, ingress traffic is allowed from endpoints in namespaces that match shape == circle.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: NetworkPolicy
  3. metadata:
  4. name: allow-tcp-6379
  5. namespace: production
  6. spec:
  7. selector: color == 'red'
  8. ingress:
  9. - action: Allow
  10. protocol: TCP
  11. source:
  12. selector: color == 'blue'
  13. namespaceSelector: shape == 'circle'
  14. destination:
  15. ports:
  16. - 6379

Control traffic to/from endpoints independent of namespace

The following Calico network policy is similar to the previous example, but uses kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy so it applies to all endpoints, regardless of namespace.

In the following example, incoming TCP traffic to any pods with label color: red is denied if it comes from a pod with color: blue.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy
  3. metadata:
  4. name: deny-blue
  5. spec:
  6. selector: color == 'red'
  7. ingress:
  8. - action: Deny
  9. protocol: TCP
  10. source:
  11. selector: color == 'blue'

As with kind: NetworkPolicy, you can allow or deny ingress traffic from endpoints in specific namespaces using a namespaceSelector in the policy rule:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy
  3. metadata:
  4. name: deny-circle-blue
  5. spec:
  6. selector: color == 'red'
  7. ingress:
  8. - action: Deny
  9. protocol: TCP
  10. source:
  11. selector: color == 'blue'
  12. namespaceSelector: shape == 'circle'

Control traffic to/from endpoints using IP addresses or CIDR ranges

Instead of using a selector to define which traffic is allowed to/from the endpoints in a network policy, you can also specify an IP block in CIDR notation.

In the following example, outgoing traffic is allowed from pods with the label color: red if it goes to an IP address in the CIDR block.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: NetworkPolicy
  3. metadata:
  4. name: allow-egress-external
  5. namespace: production
  6. spec:
  7. selector: color == 'red'
  8. types:
  9. - Egress
  10. egress:
  11. - action: Allow
  12. destination:
  13. nets:
  14. -

Apply network policies in specific order

To control the order/sequence of applying network policies, you can use the order field (with precedence from the lowest value to highest). Defining policy order is important when you include both action: allow and action: deny rules that may apply to the same endpoint.

In the following example, the policy allow-cluster-internal-ingress (order: 10) will be applied before the policy drop-other-ingress (order: 20).

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy
  3. metadata:
  4. name: drop-other-ingress
  5. spec:
  6. order: 20
  7. #...deny policy rules here...
  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy
  3. metadata:
  4. name: allow-cluster-internal-ingress
  5. spec:
  6. order: 10
  7. #...allow policy rules here...

Generate logs for specific traffic

In the following example, incoming TCP traffic to an application is denied, and each connection attempt is logged to syslog.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: NetworkPolicy
  3. metadata:
  4. name: allow-tcp-6379
  5. namespace: production
  6. spec:
  7. selector: role == 'database'
  8. types:
  9. - Ingress
  10. - Egress
  11. ingress:
  12. - action: Log
  13. protocol: TCP
  14. source:
  15. selector: role == 'frontend'
  16. - action: Deny
  17. protocol: TCP
  18. source:
  19. selector: role == 'frontend'

Create policy for established connections

Policies are immediately applied to any new connections. However, for existing connections that are already open, the policy changes will only take effect after the connection has been reestablished. This means that any ongoing sessions may not immediately reflect policy changes until they are initiated again.

Additional resources