
Post-installation tasks for managing Calico.

Upgrading Calico

Upgrade Calico on KubernetesUpgrade to a newer version of Calico for Kubernetes.Upgrade Calico on OpenShift 4Upgrade to a newer version of Calico for OpenShift.Upgrade Calico on OpenStackUpgrade to a newer version of Calico for OpenStack.


Install calicoctlInstall the CLI for Calico.Configure calicoctlConfigure calicoctl for datastore access.Configure calicoctl to connect to an etcd datastoreSample configuration files etcd.Configure calicoctl to connect to the Kubernetes API datastoreSample configuration files for kdd.

Deploy image options

Install images by registry digestSpecify the digests for operator to use to deploy images.Configure use of your image registryConfigure Calico to pull images from a public or private registry.


eBPF use casesLearn when to use eBPF, and when not to.Enable the eBPF dataplaneStep-by-step instructions for enabling the eBPF dataplane.Install in eBPF modeInstall Calico in eBPF mode.Troubleshoot eBPF modeHow to troubleshoot when running in eBPF mode.


Monitor Calico component metricsUse open source Prometheus for monitoring and alerting on Calico components.Visualizing metrics via GrafanaUse open source Grafana for visualizing Calico components.


Troubleshooting and diagnosticsView logs and diagnostics, common issues, and where to report issues in github.Troubleshooting commandsLearn basic commands to verify cluster and components are working.Component logsWhere to find component logs.VPP dataplane troubleshootingSpecific troubleshooting steps for the VPP dataplane.

Other operations tasks

Migrate Calico data from an etcdv3 datastore to a Kubernetes datastoreMigrate your cluster from using an etcdv3 datastore to a Kubernetes datastore.Migrate Calico to an operator-managed installationMigrate Calico from manifest-based to operator-managed installationEnable kubectl to manage Calico APIsInstall the Calico API server on an existing Calico clusterDecommission a nodeManually remove a node from a cluster that is installed with Calico.FIPS modeRun Calico using FIPS validated cryptography.Manage TLS certificates used by CalicoControl the issuer of certificates used by Calico