Wildcard Matching


Implement wildcard pattern matching with support for '?' and '*'.

'?' Matches any single character.'*' Matches any sequence of characters (including the empty sequence).

The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).

The function prototype should be:

  1. bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p)

Some examples:

  1. isMatch("aa","a") false
  2. isMatch("aa","aa") true
  3. isMatch("aaa","aa") false
  4. isMatch("aa", "*") true
  5. isMatch("aa", "a*") true
  6. isMatch("ab", "?*") true
  7. isMatch("aab", "c*a*b") false





  1. // Wildcard Matching
  2. // 递归版,会超时,用于帮助理解题意
  3. // 时间复杂度O(n!*m!),空间复杂度O(n)
  4. class Solution {
  5. public:
  6. bool isMatch(const string& s, const string& p) {
  7. return isMatch(s.c_str(), p.c_str());
  8. }
  9. private:
  10. bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) {
  11. if (*p == '\0' || *s == '\0') return *p == *s;
  12. else if (*p == '*') {
  13. while (*p == '*') ++p; //skip continuous '*'
  14. if (*p == '\0') return true;
  15. while (*s != '\0' && !isMatch(s, p)) ++s;
  16. return *s != '\0';
  17. }
  18. else if (*p == *s || *p == '?') return isMatch(++s, ++p);
  19. else return false;
  20. }
  21. };


  1. // Wildcard Matching
  2. // 迭代版,时间复杂度O(n*m),空间复杂度O(1)
  3. class Solution {
  4. public:
  5. bool isMatch(const string& s, const string& p) {
  6. return isMatch(s.c_str(), p.c_str());
  7. }
  8. private:
  9. bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) {
  10. bool star = false;
  11. const char *str, *ptr;
  12. for (str = s, ptr = p; *str != '\0'; str++, ptr++) {
  13. switch (*ptr) {
  14. case '?':
  15. break;
  16. case '*':
  17. star = true;
  18. s = str, p = ptr;
  19. while (*p == '*') p++; //skip continuous '*'
  20. if (*p == '\0') return true;
  21. str = s - 1;
  22. ptr = p - 1;
  23. break;
  24. default:
  25. if (*str != *ptr) {
  26. // 如果前面没有'*',则匹配不成功
  27. if (!star) return false;
  28. s++;
  29. str = s - 1;
  30. ptr = p - 1;
  31. }
  32. }
  33. }
  34. while (*ptr == '*') ptr++;
  35. return (*ptr == '\0');
  36. }
  37. };


原文: https://soulmachine.gitbooks.io/algorithm-essentials/content/cpp/string/wildcard-matching.html