JSON support for semi-structured data

TimescaleDB can work with any data types available in PostgreSQL, including JSON and JSONB. These datatypes are most useful for data that contains user-defined fields (i.e., fields names that are defined by individual users and vary from user-to-user). We recommend using this in a semi-structured way:

  1. CREATE TABLE metrics (
  2. time TIMESTAMPTZ,
  3. user_id INT,
  4. device_id INT,
  5. data JSONB
  6. );

The above model schema demonstrates some best practices when using JSON:

  1. Common fields such as time, user_id, and device_id are pulled outside of the JSONB structure and stored as columns. This is because field accesses are more efficient on table columns than inside of JSONB structures. Storage is also more efficient.

  2. We use the JSONB data type (that is, JSON stored in a binary format) and not the JSON data type. JSONB data types are are more efficient in both storage overhead and lookup performance.


Often, people use JSON for sparse data as opposed to user-defined data. We do not recommend this usage inside TimescaleDB for most datasets (unless the data is extremely sparse, e.g., more than 95% of fields for a row are empty). Instead, we suggest using NULLable fields and, if possible, running on top of a compressed file system like ZFS.

Indexing the entire JSONB structure

When indexing JSONB data across all fields that may be contained inside, it is often best to use a GIN index. PostgreSQL documentation has a nice description of the different types of GIN indexes available on JSON data. If in doubt, it is best to use the default GIN operator since it allows for more powerful queries:

  1. CREATE INDEX idxgin ON metrics USING GIN (data);

Please note that this index will only optimize queries for which the WHERE clause uses the ?, ?&, ?|, or @> operator (for a description of these operators see this table in the PostgreSQL docs). So you should make sure to structure your queries appropriately.

Indexing individual fields within a JSONB

Sometimes, JSONB columns have common fields whose values are useful to index individually. Such indexes could be useful for ordering operations on field values, multicolumn indexes, and indexes on specialized types (for example, using a field value as a postGIS geography type). Another advantage of indexes on individual field values is that they are often smaller than GIN indexes on the entire JSONB field. To create such an index, it is often useful to use a partial index on an expression accessing the field. For example,

  1. CREATE INDEX idxcpu
  2. ON metrics(((data->>'cpu')::double precision))
  3. WHERE data ? 'cpu';

In this example, the expression being indexed is the cpu field inside the data JSONB object cast to a double. The cast reduces the size of the index by storing the (much smaller) double instead of a string. The WHERE clause ensures that the only rows included in the index are those that contain a cpu field (i.e., data ? 'cpu' returns true). This also serves to reduce the size of the index by not including rows without a cpu field. Note that in order for a query to use the index, it must have data ? 'cpu' in the WHERE clause.

The expression above can be used with a multi-column index (e.g., adding time DESC as a leading column). Note, however, that to enable index-only scans, you need data as a column, not the full expression ((data->>'cpu')::double precision).