
Timescale currently offers two hosting options. If you are a Timescale Forge user, please use the documentation for setting up multi-node on Forgeforge-multi-node instead.

Setting up TimescaleDB 2.0 multi-node on Timescale Cloud

TimescaleDB 2.0 introduces a number of new features to supercharge time-series data even further. One of the most anticipated new features is what we call multi-node - the ability to create a cluster of TimescaleDB instances to scale both reads and writes.

In this how-to, we’ll show you how to create a multi-node cluster in your Timescale Cloud account with TimescaleDB 2.0 as a “do-it-yourself” (DIY) multi-node experience.

Overview of multi-node setup

Multi-node clusters consist of at least two or more TimescaleDB instances (called Services in Timescale Cloud). Each cluster has one access node (AN) and one or more data nodes (DN). As outlined in our architecture blog posts, the access node is intended to be the only TimescaleDB instance that you or your applications connect to once the cluster is set up. It becomes the “brains” and traffic controller of all distributed hypertable activity. In contrast, data nodes are not intended to be accessed directly once joined to a multi-node cluster.


A proper TimescaleDB cluster should have at least two data nodes to begin realizing the benefits of distributed hypertables. While it is technically possible to add just one data node to a cluster, this will perform worse than a single-node TimescaleDB instance and is not recommended.

Step 1: Create services for access and data node services

First, you need to create new Services within your Cloud account. As mentioned earlier, you should create at least three Services to set up a multi-node cluster: one access node and two data nodes.

There is currently no way to visually distinguish between the access node and data nodes within the Timescale Cloud console, so we strongly recommend that you include “AN” and “DN” in the names of each service, respectively (eg. “an-mycluster”, “dn1-mycluster”, “dn2-mycluster”, etc.). Services can only assume one role in a cluster (access or data node), and only one Service can act as the access node.

For simplicity you can start with the same hardware configuration for all Services. On Timescale Cloud, Service plans can be upgraded later to better tune access and data node requirements.


More advanced users might consider using larger disks on data nodes (this is where the distributed hypertable data is stored) and more memory and CPU for the access node.


To setup your first multi-node instance in Timescale Cloud, you will need to create new Services for the Access Node and Data Nodes.

Step 2: Modify access node settings

The hard work of handling distributed queries in a multi-node cluster is handled by TimescaleDB for you. Some queries, however, will perform better in a distributed environment when TimescaleDB is configured to more efficiently push down some types of queries to the data nodes.

To that end, we highly recommend the following settings be modified for the Access Node only using the Advanced Configuration section in the Timescale Cloud console.

  • pg.jit = off
  • pg.max_prepared_transactions > 0 (150 is a recommended starting value)

Step 3: Add data nodes to the cluster

Once you’ve created your new Services, you’ll enable communication between the access node and all data nodes. The currently supported method for securing communication between nodes is through user mapping authentication.

This is a one-time, manual process that must be completed for each data node.

About user mapping authentication

User mapping authentication allows users to continue connecting with the tsdbadmin PostgreSQL user for all data access and cluster management. It also allows you to continue making secure (SSL) connections to your Timescale Cloud Access node.

With user mapping authentication, you don’t need to manage any new users, however, you need to have the passwords for the tsdbadmin user from each data node you will be adding to the cluster.

The main limitation of this approach is that any password changes to the connected tsdbadmin user on a data node will break the mapping connection and impact normal cluster operations. Any time a password is changed on a data node, you’ll need to complete the mapping process outlined below to re-establish the connection between the access node and the affected data node. You can read about user mapping in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Step 3a: Add each data node using the host URI

For this step, you’ll need to copy the Host, Password and Port details listed under the Connection Information section of the Service details to use with the add_data_node command in the next section.

Once you have the password and host for each data node Service, connect to the access node using the tsdbadmin user. On Timescale Cloud this is easily accomplished by copying the Service URI (after clicking CLICK_TO:REVEAL_PASSWORD). It should look something like the following, but with different ports, password and Service URI.

Connect using psql:

  1. psql postgres://tsdbadmin:[email protected]:12345/defaultdb?sslmode=require

Then add a data node as follows.

  1. SELECT add_data_node('dn1', host => 'your_DN1_hostname', port => 12345
  2. password => 'tsdbadmin_user_password_for_DN1');

To list added data nodes we can run \des+ command if using psql.

  1. tsdb=> \des+
  2. List of foreign servers
  3. -[ RECORD 1 ]--------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Name | dn1
  5. Owner | multinode
  6. Foreign-data wrapper | timescaledb_fdw
  7. Access privileges |
  8. Type |
  9. Version |
  10. FDW options | (host 'dn1-cloud-demo-support-50d0.a.timescaledb.io', port '12345', dbname 'defaultdb')
  11. Description |

Step 3b: Add a user mapping for each data node

Now we can create a USER MAPPING that will enable communication between the access node and data node.

  1. CREATE USER MAPPING FOR tsdbadmin SERVER dn1 OPTIONS (user 'tsdbadmin', password 'tsdbadmin_user_password_for_DN1');

Repeat these steps for each additional data node that you want to add to the cluster. Always invoke these commands from the access node!

Step 4: Create a distributed hypertable

Finally, we can create a distributed hypertable and add data to verify that everything is set up and working correctly.

  1. -- Create your regular table
  2. CREATE TABLE sensor_data (
  4. sensor_id INTEGER,
  5. temperature DOUBLE PRECISION,
  7. );
  8. -- Convert the table to a distributed hypertable
  9. SELECT create_distributed_hypertable('sensor_data', 'time', 'sensor_id');
  10. -- Insert some test data to verify you are error free
  11. INSERT INTO sensor_data VALUES ('2020-12-09',1,32.2,0.45);

One major point to recognize about the SQL above is the declaration of a partition column (sensor_id) for the distributed hypertable. This is intentional, and recommended, for distributed hypertable setups. Previously, with regular, single-node hypertables, there was often little benefit in specifying a partition key when creating the hypertable. With distributed hypertables, however, adding a partition key is essential to ensure that data is efficiently distributed across data nodes. Otherwise, all data for a specific time range will go to one chunk on one node, rather than being distributed across all available data nodes for the same time range.

Adding additional database users (optional)

One of the other advantages of the user-mapping-based approach is that it allows us to add additional users to the multi-node cluster.

From the access node, create a new user and GRANT all privileges.

  1. CREATE ROLE mn_user1 LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';

While connected to the access node we can use a specially designed function to execute SQL commands against data nodes. Notice that the list of nodes is included and for this example, it is assumed that both data nodes exist and are added to the access node.

  1. CALL distributed_exec(query => 'CREATE ROLE mn_user1 LOGIN PASSWORD $$password$$', node_list => '{dn1,dn2}');
  2. CALL distributed_exec(query => 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO mn_user1;', node_list => '{dn1,dn2}');

Finally we add a user mapping for our newly added user so that the AN can connect to the DN with the new user.

  1. CREATE USER MAPPING FOR mn_user1 SERVER dn1 OPTIONS (user 'mn_user1', password 'password');

A few final reminders as you begin to explore the opportunities of a multi-node server:

  1. Multi-node clusters can still use regular, non-distributed features like regular hypertables, PostgreSQL tables, and continuous aggregations. The data stored in any of these objects will reside only on the access node.
  2. There is no limitation on the number of distributed hypertables a user can create on the access node.
  3. Finally, remember that once a Service is marked as an access node or data node, it cannot be used as part of another TimescaleDB multi-node cluster.

Maintenance tasks

A multi-node TimescaleDB setup requires regular maintenance; in particular, the distributed transaction log needs to be cleaned up and non-completed transactions should be “healed”. Please refer to our standard multi-node documentation for instructions on how to configure a user-defined action for this task.


Now that you have a basic TimescaleDB multi-node cluster, consider using one of our large sample datasets to create more distributed hypertables, or consider using your new cluster as a target for Prometheus data via Promscale. Whatever your time-series data needs, TimescaleDB multi-node opens up an entirely new level of opportunity for your time-series data.

And as always, consider joining our vibrant community Slack channel to ask questions and learn from Timescale staff and other community members.