Multi-node configuration

In addition to the normal configuration for TimescaleDB, we recommend the following settings that are specific to multi-node operation:

  • max_prepared_transactions must be set to a non-zero value on all data nodes (if not already set, 150 is recommended).
  • enable_partitionwise_aggregate should be set to on on the access node for good query performance. Otherwise, queries will not be pushed down to the data nodes.
  • jit should be set to off on the access node as JIT currently doesn’t work well with distributed queries. JIT can still be enabled on the data nodes.
  • statement_timeout should be disabled on the data nodes and managed through the access node configuration if desired. This setting is disabled by default in PostgreSQL, but may be worth verifying in your specific environment.

Each of the above settings parameters can be configured for the instance in postgresql.conf, typically located in the data directory. If the file isn’t there, connect to the node (psql) and get the path with:

  1. SHOW config_file;

Note that it will be necessary to reload the configuration if modified.

  1. pg_ctl reload