书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.028 秒,为您找到 1161 个相关结果.
  • Questionnaire

    495 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    Questionnaire Further Research Questionnaire Write the Python code to implement a single neuron. Write the Python code to implement ReLU. Write the Python code for a dense la...
  • 高级激活层Advanced Activation

    高级激活层Advanced Activation LeakyReLU层 参数 输入shape 输出shape 参考文献 PReLU层 参数 输入shape 输出shape 参考文献 ELU层 参数 输入shape 输出shape 参考文献 ThresholdedReLU层 参数 输入shape 输出shape 参考文献 ...
  • From Data to DataLoaders

    849 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    From Data to DataLoaders Data Augmentation From Data to DataLoaders DataLoaders is a thin class that just stores whatever DataLoader objects you pass to it, and makes them a...
  • Windows

    Windows Prerequisites Step 1: Download and unpack OpenSearch Step 2: (Optional) Test OpenSearch Option 1: Test your OpenSearch settings with security enabled Option 2: Test your...
  • Windows

    Windows Prerequisites Step 1: Download and unpack OpenSearch Step 2: (Optional) Test OpenSearch Option 1: Test your OpenSearch settings with security enabled Option 2: Test your...
  • Windows

    Windows Prerequisites Step 1: Download and unpack OpenSearch Step 2: (Optional) Test OpenSearch Option 1: Test your OpenSearch settings with security enabled Option 2: Test your...
  • Windows

    Windows Prerequisites Step 1: Download and unpack OpenSearch Step 2: (Optional) Test OpenSearch Option 1: Test your OpenSearch settings with security enabled Option 2: Test your...
  • Custom models

    Custom local models Model support Preparing a model Model format Model size Prerequisites Cluster settings Step 1: Register a model group Step 2: Register a local model Ste...
  • 5.5 深度学习

    5.5 深度学习 5.5 深度学习 理论上,参数越多,模型复杂度就越高,容量(capability)就越大,从而能完成更复杂的学习任务。深度学习(deep learning)正是一种极其复杂而强大的模型。 怎么增大模型复杂度呢?两个办法,一是增加隐层的数目,二是增加隐层神经元的数目。前者更有效一些,因为它不仅增加了功能神经元的数量,还增加了激活...
  • 项目简介

    项目简介 Features Demo 原Domo目录 文档 设计文档 开发文档 贡献代码 模型获得 1. 直接使用Paddle Fluid训练 2. Caffe转为Paddle Fluid模型 3. ONNX 4. 部分测试模型和测试图片下载 问题解决 Copyright and License 旧版 Mobile-Deep-Le...