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  • Layers

    621 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Material layers Blend maps Shading models Add a layer Layer properties See also Material layers IntermediateArtistProgrammer You can combine layers of materials to build ...
  • Full call stack not available

    820 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Full call stack not available Tip Full call stack not available Depending on your Visual Studio settings, when an exception is thrown in Xenko, Visual Studio might only show t...
  • Distribute a game

    647 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Distribute a game 1. Create a release build Note Tip 2. Delete unnecessary files 3. Distribute your game See also Distribute a game When you're ready to publish your game...
  • Pointers

    562 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Pointers How Xenko processes pointer input Note Warning The PointerEvent class Get pointer information Warning Warning Get the pointer position Normalized coordinates Abso...
  • Layers

    717 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Material layers Blend maps Shading models Add a layer Layer properties See also Material layers IntermediateArtistProgrammer You can combine layers of materials to build ...
  • Create a script

    787 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Create a script Create a script in Game Studio Note Note Tip Create a script in Visual Studio Tip Note See also Create a script BeginnerProgrammer You can create scrip...
  • Custom shaders

    710 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Custom shaders Create a shader Note Note Note Use a custom shader Tip Note Arguments and parameters Template arguments Parameters Note Compositions Custom shader sampl...
  • Custom shaders

    726 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Custom shaders Create a shader Note Note Note Use a custom shader Tip Note Arguments and parameters Template arguments Parameters Note Compositions Custom shader sampl...
  • Audio asset properties

    519 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Audio asset properties See also Audio asset properties After you select an audio asset in the Asset View , you can configure its properties in the Property Grid . Property ...
  • Stream audio

    559 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Stream audio Note See also Stream audio BeginnerDesignerProgrammer By default, Xenko plays audio directly from memory. This is useful for short sound effects such as gunshot...