Audio asset properties See also Audio asset properties After you select an audio asset in the Asset View , you can configure its properties in the Property Grid . Property ...
Anti-aliasing Note Properties See also Anti-aliasing Anti-aliasing smooths jagged edges. For post-processing, Xenko uses fast-approximate anti-aliasing (FXAA), a single-pas...
Add a UI to a scene Tip Assign a UI page to a UI page component in code UI component properties UI scripts See also Add a UI to a scene BeginnerArtistDesigner After you c...
Physics In this section Tutorials Further reference Physics Xenko simulates real-world physics such as gravity and collisions. This section explains how physics components...
Distribute a game 1. Create a release build Note Tip 2. Delete unnecessary files 3. Distribute your game See also Distribute a game When you're ready to publish your game...
Scripts Note In this section Scripts Scripts are units of code that handle game events, respond to user input, and control entities. In short, scripts make games interactive...
Render stages Note Effect slots Sort objects in a render stage Filter objects in a render stage Render stage selectors See also Render stages Render stages define how gi...
Create a script Create a script in Game Studio Note Note Tip Create a script in Visual Studio Tip Note See also Create a script BeginnerProgrammer You can create scrip...
Sensors Check if a sensor is available Note Enable a sensor Use the orientation sensor Note Motion sensors Use the accelerometer Note Use the user acceleration sensor Use...