简介 工作流程 Springs 简介 Cloth simulation is one of the hardest aspects of computer graphics, it is a deceptively simple real-world item that is taken for granted, but it actually ...
简介 切换笔画编辑工具 工具栏 菜单 上下文菜单 简介 Blender provides a variety of tools for editing Grease Pencil strokes. These are tools used to add, duplicate, move and delete elements. 切换笔画...
简介 建模模式 简介 网格建模通常从一个 基础网格 形状(如圆、立方体、圆柱……)开始。之后,您可以开始编辑,借此创建一个规模更大、更复杂的形状。 建模模式 The 3D Viewport has three principal modes that allow for the creation, editing and manipulat...
简介 Automatic IK 自动IK IK Constraints IK 约束 Armature IK Panel 骨架IK面板 标准 iTaSC 动画 模拟 骨骼 IK 面板 iTaSC 解算器 Arm Rig Example 手臂绑定示例 简介 IK简化了动画过程,并且可以用较少的努力制作更高级的动画。 IK允许你通过摆...
简介 连接 物理菜单 通用选项 简介 约束 (也称为连接器) 用于连接2个刚体。 The physics constraints are meant to be attached to an Empty object. The constraint then has fields which can be pointed at the t...