Raycasting Note Example code See also Raycasting IntermediateProgrammer Raycasting traces an invisible line through the scene to find intersecting colliders . This is usef...
Launch a game Launch a game from Game Studio Note Note Launch a game from Visual Studio Tip Remove borders Launch a game Beginner This page explains how to launch your g...
Launch a game Launch a game from Game Studio Note Note Launch a game from Visual Studio Tip Remove borders Launch a game Beginner This page explains how to launch your g...
Additive animation Difference clips Note Create a difference clip Note Note Use an additive animation Note See also Additive animation IntermediateDesigner Additive an...
Emitters See also Emitters BeginnerArtistProgrammer Particle emitters manage how many particles are in an effect, how they appear, move, and disappear, and how they are draw...
SpriteBatch Note Create a sprite batch Draw a sprite batch See also SpriteBatch AdvancedProgrammer A sprite batch is a collection of sprites (2D textured planes). Note ...
Emitters See also Emitters BeginnerArtistProgrammer Particle emitters manage how many particles are in an effect, how they appear, move, and disappear, and how they are draw...
Overlays Note Add an overlay Multiple overlays Note Overlay properties VR template See also Overlays In VR games, you can display textures (including render textures ) ...
Edit sprites Open the Sprite Editor Set sprite sheet type Add a sprite Tip Sprite list Set the texture region Use the Magic Wand Set texture region manually Set the texture ...
Game Studio Interface In this section Game Studio Beginner Game Studio is the central tool for game and application production in Xenko. In Game Studio, you can: create a...