书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.016 秒,为您找到 277 个相关结果.
  • Light shafts

    819 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Light shafts 1. Enable light shafts in the graphics compositor 2. Add a light shaft component 3. Add a bounding volume Tip Light shaft properties Light shaft graphics composit...
  • Cameras

    664 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Cameras Create a camera in Game Studio Camera properties Perspective and orthographic cameras Field of view (perspective mode only) Orthographic size (orthographic mode only) ...
  • Graphics compositor

    599 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Graphics compositor Note Create a graphics compositor Set the graphics compositor Open the graphics compositor editor Note Nodes Entry points Connect an entry point to a rend...
  • Create a trail

    4745 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Tutorial: Create a trail 1. Create a project 2. Set up the models and animation Note 3. Create a basic trail 4. Sort the particles Note 5. Change the length 6. Add a textur...
  • Assets

    512 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Assets In this section Assets Beginner An asset is a representation of an element of your game inside Game Studio, such as a texture, animation, or model. Some assets requi...
  • custom attributes

    535 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Custom attributes 1. Import custom attributes 2. Control custom attributes with a script Example script Custom attributes Intermediate You can import custom attributes crea...
  • Gestures

    539 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Gestures Note Turn on gesture recognition Warning Turn off gesture recognition Gesture recognition Note Configure gestures Note Types of gesture Discrete gestures Tap Tip ...
  • Graphics compositor

    641 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Graphics compositor Note Create a graphics compositor Set the graphics compositor Open the graphics compositor editor Note Nodes Entry points Connect an entry point to a rend...
  • Enable VR

    606 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Enable VR Tip Note VR properties Multisample anti-aliasing Note Disable screen synchronization See also Enable VR BeginnerProgrammer This page explains how to add suppo...
  • Non-spatialized audio

    511 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Non-spatialized audio 1. Import audio and include it in the build 2. Create a script to play audio Note Alternative: create a script with public variables Add the script to th...