书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.010 秒,为您找到 277 个相关结果.
  • Audio

    620 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Audio In this section Audio You can import sound files and use them in your games. Xenko supports audio features including 3D spatialized audio, streaming, and low-latency pla...
  • Prefab models

    532 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Prefab models Drawbacks Create a prefab model See also Prefab models BeginnerDesigner Prefab models convert prefabs to single drawcalls. This is useful for optimization, a...
  • Skybox lights

    519 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Skybox lights How skyboxes light the scene Set up a skybox light Skybox asset properties Skybox light properties Example code See also Skybox lights BeginnerDesignerProgr...
  • Skybox lights

    490 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Skybox lights How skyboxes light the scene Set up a skybox light Skybox asset properties Skybox light properties Example code See also Skybox lights BeginnerDesignerProgr...
  • Shading language

    553 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Shading language In this section Shading language Xenko provides a superset of the HLSL Shading language , bringing advanced and higher level language constructions, with: e...
  • Create a trail

    4507 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Tutorial: Create a trail 1. Create a project 2. Set up the models and animation Note 3. Create a basic trail 4. Sort the particles Note 5. Change the length 6. Add a textur...
  • Simulation

    476 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Physics simulation Note See also Physics simulation IntermediateProgrammer Xenko's physics are controlled by the Simulation class.You can change how Xenko initializes the s...
  • Error: "A SceneCameraRenderer in use has no camera assigned to its [Slot]. Make sure a camera is enabled and assigned to the [Slot]"

    490 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Error: "A SceneCameraRenderer in use has no camera assigned to its [Slot]. Make sure a camera is enabled and assigned to the [Slot]." Note Fix Note See also Error: "A Scene...
  • Splash screen

    532 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Splash screen Note Edit the splash screen Splash screen properties Tip See also Splash screen Beginner The splash screen is the image (usually a logo) displayed when you...
  • Depth of field

    487 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Depth of field Properties See also Depth of field IntermediateArtist By default, rendering produces a very sharp image, which can look artificial. Depth of field effects si...