Result Location Semantics

During compilation, every Zig expression and sub-expression is assigned optional result location information. This information dictates what type the expression should have (its result type), and where the resulting value should be placed in memory (its result location). The information is optional in the sense that not every expression has this information: assignment to _, for instance, does not provide any information about the type of an expression, nor does it provide a concrete memory location to place it in.

As a motivating example, consider the statement const x: u32 = 42;. The type annotation here provides a result type of u32 to the initialization expression 42, instructing the compiler to coerce this integer (initally of type comptime_int) to this type. We will see more examples shortly.

This is not an implementation detail: the logic outlined above is codified into the Zig language specification, and is the primary mechanism of type inference in the language. This system is collectively referred to as “Result Location Semantics”.

Result Types

Result types are propagated recursively through expressions where possible. For instance, if the expression &e has result type *u32, then e is given a result type of u32, allowing the language to perform this coercion before taking a reference.

The result type mechanism is utilized by casting builtins such as @intCast. Rather than taking as an argument the type to cast to, these builtins use their result type to determine this information. The result type is often known from context; where it is not, the @as builtin can be used to explicitly provide a result type.

We can break down the result types for each component of a simple expression as follows:


  1. const expectEqual = @import("std").testing.expectEqual;
  2. test "result type propagates through struct initializer" {
  3. const S = struct { x: u32 };
  4. const val: u64 = 123;
  5. const s: S = .{ .x = @intCast(val) };
  6. // .{ .x = @intCast(val) } has result type `S` due to the type annotation
  7. // @intCast(val) has result type `u32` due to the type of the field `S.x`
  8. // val has no result type, as it is permitted to be any integer type
  9. try expectEqual(@as(u32, 123), s.x);
  10. }


  1. $ zig test result_type_propagation.zig
  2. 1/1 result_type_propagation.test.result type propagates through struct initializer... OK
  3. All 1 tests passed.

This result type information is useful for the aforementioned cast builtins, as well as to avoid the construction of pre-coercion values, and to avoid the need for explicit type coercions in some cases. The following table details how some common expressions propagate result types, where x and y are arbitrary sub-expressions.

ExpressionParent Result TypeSub-expression Result Type
const val: T = x-x is a T
var val: T = x-x is a T
val = x-x is a @TypeOf(val)
@as(T, x)-x is a T
&x*Tx is a T
&x[]Tx is some array of T
f(x)-x has the type of the first parameter of f
.{x}Tx is a std.meta.FieldType(T, .@”0”)
.{ .a = x }Tx is a std.meta.FieldType(T, .a)
T{x}-x is a std.meta.FieldType(T, .@”0”)
T{ .a = x }-x is a std.meta.FieldType(T, .a)
@Type(x)-x is a std.builtin.Type
@typeInfo(x)-x is a type
x << y-y is a std.math.Log2IntCeil(@TypeOf(x))

Result Locations

In addition to result type information, every expression may be optionally assigned a result location: a pointer to which the value must be directly written. This system can be used to prevent intermediate copies when initializing data structures, which can be important for types which must have a fixed memory address (“pinned” types).

When compiling the simple assignment expression x = e, many languages would create the temporary value e on the stack, and then assign it to x, potentially performing a type coercion in the process. Zig approaches this differently. The expression e is given a result type matching the type of x, and a result location of &x. For many syntactic forms of e, this has no practical impact. However, it can have important semantic effects when working with more complex syntax forms.

For instance, if the expression .{ .a = x, .b = y } has a result location of ptr, then x is given a result location of &ptr.a, and y a result location of &ptr.b. Without this system, this expression would construct a temporary struct value entirely on the stack, and only then copy it to the destination address. In essence, Zig desugars the assignment foo = .{ .a = x, .b = y } to the two statements foo.a = x; foo.b = y;.

This can sometimes be important when assigning an aggregate value where the initialization expression depends on the previous value of the aggregate. The easiest way to demonstrate this is by attempting to swap fields of a struct or array - the following logic looks sound, but in fact is not:


  1. const expect = @import("std").testing.expect;
  2. test "attempt to swap array elements with array initializer" {
  3. var arr: [2]u32 = .{ 1, 2 };
  4. arr = .{ arr[1], arr[0] };
  5. // The previous line is equivalent to the following two lines:
  6. // arr[0] = arr[1];
  7. // arr[1] = arr[0];
  8. // So this fails!
  9. try expect(arr[0] == 2); // succeeds
  10. try expect(arr[1] == 1); // fails
  11. }


  1. $ zig test result_location_interfering_with_swap.zig
  2. 1/1 result_location_interfering_with_swap.test.attempt to swap array elements with array initializer... FAIL (TestUnexpectedResult)
  3. /home/ci/actions-runner/_work/zig-bootstrap/out/host/lib/zig/std/testing.zig:540:14: 0x1038e9f in expect (test)
  4. if (!ok) return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
  5. ^
  6. /home/ci/actions-runner/_work/zig-bootstrap/zig/docgen_tmp/result_location_interfering_with_swap.zig:10:5: 0x1039005 in test.attempt to swap array elements with array initializer (test)
  7. try expect(arr[1] == 1); // fails
  8. ^
  9. 0 passed; 0 skipped; 1 failed.
  10. error: the following test command failed with exit code 1:
  11. /home/ci/actions-runner/_work/zig-bootstrap/out/zig-local-cache/o/76a3150e40ec585405478691460e89fc/test

The following table details how some common expressions propagate result locations, where x and y are arbitrary sub-expressions. Note that some expressions cannot provide meaningful result locations to sub-expressions, even if they themselves have a result location.

ExpressionResult LocationSub-expression Result Locations
const val: T = x-x has result location &val
var val: T = x-x has result location &val
val = x-x has result location &val
@as(T, x)ptrx has no result location
&xptrx has no result location
f(x)ptrx has no result location
.{x}ptrx has result location &ptr[0]
.{ .a = x }ptrx has result location &ptr.a
T{x}ptrx has no result location (typed initializers do not propagate result locations)
T{ .a = x }ptrx has no result location (typed initializers do not propagate result locations)
@Type(x)ptrx has no result location
@typeInfo(x)ptrx has no result location
x << yptrx and y do not have result locations