
There is no operator overloading. When you see an operator in Zig, you know that it is doing something from this table, and nothing else.

Table of Operators

  1. a + b
  2. a += b
  1. 2 + 5 == 7
Wrapping Addition
  1. a +% b
  2. a +%= b
  1. @as(u32, 0xffffffff) +% 1 == 0
Saturating Addition
  1. a +| b
  2. a +|= b
  1. @as(u8, 255) +| 1 == @as(u8, 255)
  1. a - b
  2. a -= b
  1. 2 - 5 == -3
Wrapping Subtraction
  1. a -% b
  2. a -%= b
  1. @as(u8, 0) -% 1 == 255
Saturating Subtraction
  1. a -| b
  2. a -|= b
  1. @as(u32, 0) -| 1 == 0
  1. -a
  1. -1 == 0 - 1
Wrapping Negation
  1. -%a
  • Twos-complement wrapping behavior.
  1. -%@as(i8, -128) == -128
  1. a b
  2. a = b
  1. 2 5 == 10
Wrapping Multiplication
  1. a % b
  2. a %= b
  1. @as(u8, 200) % 2 == 144
Saturating Multiplication
  1. a | b
  2. a |= b
  1. @as(u8, 200) | 2 == 255
  1. a / b
  2. a /= b
  1. 10 / 5 == 2
Remainder Division
  1. a % b
  2. a %= b
  1. 10 % 3 == 1
Bit Shift Left
  1. a << b
  2. a <<= b
  1. 0b1 << 8 == 0b100000000
Saturating Bit Shift Left
  1. a <<| b
  2. a <<|= b
  1. @as(u8, 1) <<| 8 == 255
Bit Shift Right
  1. a >> b
  2. a >>= b
  • Moves all bits to the right, inserting zeroes at the most-significant bit.
  • b must be comptime-known or have a type with log2 number of bits as a.
  • See also @shrExact.
  1. 0b1010 >> 1 == 0b101
Bitwise And
  1. a & b
  2. a &= b
  1. 0b011 & 0b101 == 0b001
Bitwise Or
  1. a | b
  2. a |= b
  1. 0b010 | 0b100 == 0b110
Bitwise Xor
  1. a ^ b
  2. a ^= b
  1. 0b011 ^ 0b101 == 0b110
Bitwise Not
  1. ~a
  1. ~@as(u8, 0b10101111) == 0b01010000
Defaulting Optional Unwrap
  1. a orelse b
If a is null, returns b (“default value”), otherwise returns the unwrapped value of a. Note that b may be a value of type noreturn.
  1. const value: ?u32 = null;
  2. const unwrapped = value orelse 1234;
  3. unwrapped == 1234
Optional Unwrap
  1. a.?
Equivalent to:
  1. a orelse unreachable
  1. const value: ?u32 = 5678;
  2. value.? == 5678
Defaulting Error Unwrap
  1. a catch b
  2. a catch |err| b
If a is an error, returns b (“default value”), otherwise returns the unwrapped value of a. Note that b may be a value of type noreturn. err is the error and is in scope of the expression b.
  1. const value: anyerror!u32 = error.Broken;
  2. const unwrapped = value catch 1234;
  3. unwrapped == 1234
Logical And
  1. a and b
If a is false, returns false without evaluating b. Otherwise, returns b.
  1. (false and true) == false
Logical Or
  1. a or b
If a is true, returns true without evaluating b. Otherwise, returns b.
  1. (false or true) == true
Boolean Not
  1. !a
  1. !false == true
  1. a == b
Returns true if a and b are equal, otherwise returns false. Invokes Peer Type Resolution for the operands.
  1. (1 == 1) == true
Null Check
  1. a == null
Returns true if a is null, otherwise returns false.
  1. const value: ?u32 = null;
  2. (value == null) == true
  1. a != b
Returns false if a and b are equal, otherwise returns true. Invokes Peer Type Resolution for the operands.
  1. (1 != 1) == false
Non-Null Check
  1. a != null
Returns false if a is null, otherwise returns true.
  1. const value: ?u32 = null;
  2. (value != null) == false
Greater Than
  1. a > b
Returns true if a is greater than b, otherwise returns false. Invokes Peer Type Resolution for the operands.
  1. (2 > 1) == true
Greater or Equal
  1. a >= b
Returns true if a is greater than or equal to b, otherwise returns false. Invokes Peer Type Resolution for the operands.
  1. (2 >= 1) == true
Less Than
  1. a < b
Returns true if a is less than b, otherwise returns false. Invokes Peer Type Resolution for the operands.
  1. (1 < 2) == true
Lesser or Equal
  1. a <= b
Returns true if a is less than or equal to b, otherwise returns false. Invokes Peer Type Resolution for the operands.
  1. (1 <= 2) == true
Array Concatenation
  1. a ++ b
  1. const mem = @import(“std”).mem;
  2. const array1 = []u32{1,2};
  3. const array2 = []u32{3,4};
  4. const together = array1 ++ array2;
  5. mem.eql(u32, &together, &[_]u32{1,2,3,4})
Array Multiplication
  1. a b
  1. const mem = @import(“std”).mem;
  2. const pattern = ab 3;
  3. mem.eql(u8, pattern, ababab”)
Pointer Dereference
  1. a.
Pointer dereference.
  1. const x: u32 = 1234;
  2. const ptr = &x;
  3. ptr. == 1234
Address Of
  1. &a
All types
  1. const x: u32 = 1234;
  2. const ptr = &x;
  3. ptr. == 1234
Error Set Merge
  1. a || b
Merging Error Sets
  1. const A = error{One};
  2. const B = error{Two};
  3. (A || B) == error{One, Two}


  1. x() x[] x.y x.* x.?
  2. a!b
  3. x{}
  4. !x -x -%x ~x &x ?x
  5. * / % ** *% *| ||
  6. + - ++ +% -% +| -|
  7. << >> <<|
  8. & ^ | orelse catch
  9. == != < > <= >=
  10. and
  11. or
  12. = *= *%= *|= /= %= += +%= +|= -= -%= -|= <<= <<|= >>= &= ^= |=