> 对象

problems are created by the Zabbix server and cannot be modified via the API.


The problem object has the following properties. 问题对象拥有以下属性

eventidstringID of the problem event. 问题事件的ID
sourceintegerType of the problem event.

Possible values:
0 - event created by a trigger;
3 - internal event. 问题事件类型。
objectintegerType of object that is related to the problem event.

Possible values for trigger events:
0 - trigger.

Possible values for internal events:
0 - trigger;
4 - item;
5 - LLD rule. 与问题事件相关的对象类型。


0-触发器 4-监控项 5-LLD规则
objectidstringID of the related object. 关联对象的ID
clocktimestampTime when the problem event was created. 问题事件创建的时间
nsintegerNanoseconds when the problem event was created. 问题事件创建的纳秒时间
r_eventidstringRecovery event ID. 恢复时间的ID
r_clocktimestampTime when the recovery event was created. 恢复事件创建的时间
r_nsintegerNanoseconds when the recovery event was created. 恢复事件创建的纳秒时间
correlationidstringCorrelation rule ID if this event was recovered by global correlation rule. 事件被全局的关联规则恢复,关联规则的ID
useridstringUser ID if the problem was manually closed. 手动关闭问题的用户ID
namestringResolved problem name. 解决问题名称
acknowledgedintegerAcknowledge state for problem.

Possible values:
0 - not acknowledged;
1 - acknowledged. 问题知晓状态
0-不知道 1-知道
severityintegerProblem current severity.

Possible values:
0 - not classified;
1 - information;
2 - warning;
3 - average;
4 - high;
5 - disaster. 问题当前级别
0-未定义 1-信息 2-警告 3-一般严重 4-严重 5-灾难

Problem tag

The problem tag object has the following properties.

tagstringProblem tag name.
valuestringProblem tag value.

Media type URLs

Object with media type url have the following properties.

namestringMedia type defined URL name.
urlstringMedia type defined URL value.

Results will contain entries only for active media types with enabled event menu entry. Macro used in properties will be expanded, but if one of properties contain non expanded macro both properties will be excluded from results. Supported macros described on page.